Photos & Autos - Club Quadrant

Ohh I’ve had that happen myself before. I really like knowing the strains background. This is just some bagseeds my friend gave to me.

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Feed these girls some Onion skin water today (onions skins in bottled water 24hrs) full of microbe healthy goodness. So I’ve read.

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And so it begins :slight_smile:


@CADMAN I’ll have to look into that onion water. Just amazes me on how much useful information can find here.


Decided while being bored, the wife and I should get caffeanated so I brewed up some;

Super Yummy…

Of course the extra benefits here is that I can share the coffee grinds soaking in bottled water to feed the plants. (Not all at once) just made up enough coffee bottles to lightly soak into the soil over the next few months. Or in my extra soil container to help with nitrogen on the next round.


Never heard of that either. Nice info.

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It’s a very deep :rabbit2: hole lol

I don’t plan to attack organics full blown all at once.

But I’m reading ALOT and ill keep doing what I’m doing while adding in some extras from time to time depending if the soil needs, like it.

Main goal is to grow organic Cannabis, effectively and then concentrate on terpine, flavor, smell ect… looking to produce high quality buds so when its consumed its very enjoyable :wink:

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Jan 1st 2021 - Flipped lighting into 12/12 …
Autos are sprouting (almost breaking soil) LIFTA.

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1? Is that pretty much a French press
2? Would it help more or less based off of the different strength and style of coffee grounds I wonder

Going have to look into the coffee grounds a little. Just a young grass hopper doing all organic with a very willing and helpful neighbor… But doesn’t every grass hopper want to surpass there sensai eventually


#1 Yes thats my French press coffee maker. Ditched the percerlator, this is slower but I like it more.

#2 I honestly don’t know… However I kinda doubt it makes much if any difference with the grounds size, flavor ect.

I just Google lots of things lol I wanted to add more things into my organic grow slowly and with whatever I usually have around the house. So I started googling specific items I have that go to waste and how can I make it less wasteful and more helpful for my soil. ,)


News on the 2 autos, they just barely broke soil and are starting to unfurl… So far, So Good!


Looking good! Can’t wait to see the pics! :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


Just done making my Lactobacillus (LABS)




Sediment on bottom

Hopefully this doesn’t turn septic on me in the next few days. This should be beneficial to the soil as we go forward…


Look at you frigging go man! Awesome.

It should be fine. I thought my first batch was bad after putting it in the fridge, and it came out smelling by of rotten milk a month later. I made a second batch, same thing. I left it out on the counter for several hours, and the smell went away. I just had to let the bacteria wake up. I dumped the first batch for no reason except to pass this along to you, buddy.


Thanks Brother for your Lab sacrifice and for passing the wisdom on to others :wink: I hope I’m doing the correctly :pray:



Since my plants are now in the 1st week of Flowering at 12/12 ( May change to 10/14 based on another thread ) but anyways, I’ve waited till the plants lower leaves started to fade a little before I applied any more nutrients…

I plucked all the yellow leaves and scratched the soil surface and applied the Flowering Routine;

Gaia Green (2tbsp-284)
Gaia Green (2tbsp WM)
5 ml Of LABS
Apply every 3 weeks untill flowing is done.

Let’s see how the plants respond to this now ,)

And my whole tent and it’s untidy tidyness, this is what I call an all inclusive tent… Everything related to growing is inside the flipping tent.

It’s not really what I’d like, but it’s how things gotta be right now.

2 autos are in the clear cup & the maybe surviving Transkei is in the blue cup.

Both of these plants in general smell decent and are growing alright :+1: Nothing to write home about, but hey its bag seed :wink: Can’t wait for these to finish out so I can get cracking on some Quality Genetics…

Ya can’t actually see it but I have a 3rd bucket of super soil behind the right side plant and I’m keeping it the Microbs happy in it so I can use it later on :wink:


The Alien Rift Auto & BlackBerry Auto have started to have roots pop out the bottom of dirt pucks…

For now these are goin into the blue party cups and later on each will have its own final upgraded party corn cups.

For now these are buried up to the necks now in super soil (the same soil blend im using for whole tent) in a day or two I will give them some Labs as well.


Some pistol action.


Reach my baby’s :heart: GROW… Muahahahahah