@Pigeonman & @Cadman Present a **CLUB QUADRANT EXCLUSIVE RELEASE** OG Server Auction!

I could see that…but let’s get real here…the name is “Jew Gold” …c’mon. Doesn’t strike me as a particularly common thing to call some weed. Pre 1974? When no one was growing Afghani?

By that logic, anything could be anything and you can’t disprove it and we just have to believe whatever someone claims the provenance as, because, again…it COULD be true.

I’m not saying anyone is up to something nefarious. It’s just that maybe we’re lending a little credence to 3 seeds with a story from a secondhand source that have supposably been in a freezer for 49 years and predate the earliest OGK cuttings (with the exact same story as the Jew Gold OG cutting) by 20 years; just does not add up at all.


@LonelyOC - Lot # 16, $35

1 Like

@yardgrazer Lot 18 $40


very well spoken! hopefully now people can focus on the intent of this thread! Club Quadrant is doing something very special for this great community, by helping support OG and getting some exclusive beans and swag out to the deserving highest bidding members. thank you @Pigeonman , @CADMAN , @Bobgrows and everyone that is making this take place. lots of time and efforts involved for sure.

thanks for this post i can feel the happiness Art felt receiving all that love and effort put forth in making this happen. this is also the reason "i love this place and the people ", and i am proud to be a member here because of the genuine people in this family and community! :pray::heart: :heart: :100:


As I said, I can not speak to this strain as I know nothing about it. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything other than to take in what’s been said and form their own opinion.

I can see your perspective and that you feel its real far fetched but at least you can agree that there is a possibility.

Back when I was younger I remember being asked what kind of weed I had and responding “it’s weed”.

The fact is that all we have to go on is what’s been told to us. If the story doesn’t add up to you, then so be it. I won’t try to convince you, I got no dog in this fight so to speak. I do appreciate your openness to the idea even though you don’t believe it. That’s really all I hope for from people. :v:


This :arrow_up:


Over $1,000 bid so far; doing great!!!



Look, this is for you & everyone else whomever reads this post!

Personally I don’t care at all IF anyone believes or disbeliefs anything, about this strain, about myself or whatever I do… It just doesn’t matter to me and has zero effects on me personally!

What does actually matter to me, is my friend gave me something that was special to him, asked me to share it with as many people as possible, without reservation or guidance!

Purely just to share the experience of this specific strain and to hopefully bring joy to people’s lives, He wants to know that he gifted something that could possibly change the mood or mindset of someone els that might be having a shitty day!

So, afew of us “potheads” @Pigeonman @Bobgrows & myself took our time, money & engery/efforts to make that possible for as many people as possible…

This specific auction litterly is strictly for this site, so this site can continue to run and continue to allow us all to keep sharing with eachother! No money’s is touching the hands of anyone involved here, its directly from the person bidding to the site, no middle man. Pretty easy to see and understand!

Honestly I couldn’t care if the backstory is true or not. I really don’t, I’m just repeating what I’ve been told by a dude who’s much older, wiser and operated “underground” as many of us did before we ever thought it would be legal and he’s definitely grew better weed than I have to date…

I guess my only point is this, everyone is entitled to think, say whatever they like. It really doesn’t matter…

I’m happy that I did my part and made an old man who’s full of heartache smile for the first time in atleast a few years…

After I left Art today, the wife and I got some Tim Hortons and for the 1st time ever I paid for the order of the person behind me $2.50 something.

Why? Cause Art has shown me that by being nice to someone you don’t know at random, might actually make all the difference in the world, to that person on that day!

So maybe, just maybe someone here will grow Jew Gold 1974, harvest it and smoke & share it with someone someday that really needed that moment when another person actually gave a $hit about them! Same goes for the Collectors card and Gold coin, hopefully it brings joy to whomever receives them, however they receive them…

Not that it’s anyone’s business, but. My little brother has had taken a really bad road in life, this summer was the 1st time I seen him in probably 17 months or so, because he’s homeless and an addcit. I found him in a parking lot picking up cigarettes. I ran up to him and hugged him hard… He says in my ear " It feels good to be hugged again " then said sorry for smelling so badly, I didn’t care if he stunk. He’s my brother and needs help… I also fuk ING cried… from his comment!

From that moment on, whenever I have ability, I try to remember that moment and take the time to hopefully make a world of a difference to someone for no reason, just so they know someone actually gives a dam and they are worth it…

This is the same reason I’ve put effort into this strain, I’ve already produced two other strain with Jew Gold 1974, which are 1st Kosher Daddy & 2nd Posion Daddy and now 3rd Jew Gold Preservation, all of these have been collaborative efforts amongst friends, for others, for FREE!

your more then welcome to enjoy the efforts and your more then welcome to decline! Either way, I’m always going to promote Jew Gold 1974 as what it is! It’s my friends gift to me, which is our gift to the world!

Hopefully all that rambling made sense!

Im off to bed, gotta 30ft dumpster ariving tomorrow morning cause we gotta clean out a 15x30 garage tomorrow for an 75 yr old lady (my mother I’m law) Night!


So your naming crosses with your “1974 jew gold” after the real deal jew gold aka kosher kush. Thats exactly the point thats being made. Your linking beans to a cut that they are not related to in any way. Its pretty sad to be honest with you.


Your way of thinking is sad my friend :pensive: @WhiteBoyRick

#1) What I do is none of your business!
#2) We could go on forever about HOW people name strains and the reasons behind it!

I’ll do me & you do you!

You also didn’t relay the information correctly sir, it’s Jew Gold 1974, it’s not the other way around.


Thanks, maybe I’ll use this for another strain name. Perhaps a chocolate x Lemon cross would go well with this name.


Haters gonna hate & whiners are gonna wine!
Can’t please the unpleasant pesents can we.


It’s a pestering peasant.

I cannot wait to see the grow reports from this selection. All I need to hear is that they were seeds that an old grower had in his freezer, and I’m all over it :joy:

@CADMAN and @Pigeonman , thank-you for the opportunity to support this site and take a chance on an old man’s dreams of better days.

May the true gold triumph.



@CADMAN @Pigeonman personally I love the story. Both the origin story and the touching piece on visiting Art. Great work fellas. :+1::+1:


If you don’t have haters, you’re not doing it right :smirk: keep up the good work @CADMAN and @Pigeonman


is that a flux capacitor and time machine ?


@blowdout2269 lot16 $40

Pz :v:t2:


Oh, I see how you are! :yum:


I lolD!! That is just genius :rofl::rofl:


looks like afghan and mexican or something. i wonder if the people who originally selected famed cuttings appreciate the amount of energy people spend arguing over their true origins online.