@Pigeonman & @Cadman Present a **CLUB QUADRANT EXCLUSIVE RELEASE** OG Server Auction!

Edit the wiki man - you’ve bid twice without updating

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@YoBigdaddy @ShitSeeds I bumped y’all off #6 and #10 :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


@ShitSeeds #11- $40

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Please keep that schmegegge to yourself.

Some folks get off on taking L after L.

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Above post not for you.:wink:

Apologize for any confusion.

Pretty sure I updated wiki twice.


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Fun note; when growing these out I was very impressed so since I’m ran a few testers to ensure viability of the produced beans I’ve decided to go all in and push them using this system I built around the same time of completing this run.






A self-contained RDWC/Fallponics system I call the ΩPot 2.0.

It’s a miniaturized Chinampa that the 1.0 version proved to produce a BEAST in the form of a HEDGE BOG Sour BluTooth.


This one is scaled down to 1L pots with 6x stations + top emitting drip feeders and I’ll be using a mix of coco coir + perlite :+1: .


I dig the shit outta this thing! Very cool! :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::joy:


Whoa, that thing looks wicked as hell! Count me interested!



It’s updated now - you must have been doing that while I replied. No worries- just didn’t want folks continuing to tag me there as they placed other bids.

At flip:


At harvest:




Double Decker! :green_heart:


A couple months ago a went through your thread about the omega pots and saved all the pics in hopes of building one at some point :smirk:


@ix3u you’re making me blush growmie! :blush:


Talk about picking a hill to die on. Arguing over a strain’s origin. SMDH.

Let’s see:

MK Ultra escaped a government lab.
G13 was created and used by the government for experiments on soldiers.
Chemdog was gifted to a hippie at a Dead concert.
White Widow came from a piece of hash.
Rez created Sour Diesel.
Alien OG (This one is true. It was brought to us by aliens).

I could go on and on.

Has the grow been documented - check
Are the auction hosts reputable - check
The auction hosts are not benefiting from this run in any way, shape or form - check
The auction hosts (and contributors) are using their own time and spending their own money - check
The auction hosts are contributing to the community - check
No one is forcing anyone to bid - check
Everyone that’s bidding is having fun - check

I could not care less about a strain’s history or its origin. It’s cannabis. It only has one origin. Names are only important as a reference to keep track of characteristic traits we deem valuable. They’re also used to keep track of what’s been crossed with what, and unless I’ve seen it crossed here, I’d have my doubts about the accuracy of that.


That looks like my beer tap from my college days.





I also tried to emulate your solo cups with all the holes melted in… I also bought a sarong :laughing:… You’re a top shelf member :ok_hand:t2:

Also, this was pretty much the most inopportune time that this auction could happened as I’m totally spent for the moment :disappointed:. I know I’ve already got some, but the red puck isn’t as cool as the Jew gold coin and no card :laughing::laughing::laughing:.

You’re the man (pigeon)man!


Just read through the last 20 ish posts & I must say, I love every one of you OG’ERS :heart: :two_hearts:! You rock! So many of you guys/gals are straight :fire: and I’m lucky to call you all friends!

THIS is the actual reason I love this place and the people in it!

Ps. Meet up with Art today, gave him 3 Collectors cards, a packs of jew gold 1974 & of course the Gold coin seeds as well. He was seriously surprised, excited (like a kid in a candy store) the smile he had on his face was wonderful to see…

He’s super excited & totally blown away that a few years after he gave me seeds that it’s turned into something big and that so many people are getting the chance to explore first hand.

1st question Art wanted to know, How many people are growing this? Has anyone tryed it?
He’s all about the Cannabis for sure, he loves his weed and I can tell he misses growing. He now wants to find someone to grow him Jew Gold 1974 since he hasn’t tasted this strain in years!

Anyone who does grow this, please make a thread or post photos and I’ll show Art how what he has shared is liked by others as well…

Poor dude doesn’t have alot to look forward too most days except memory’s of his loved ones, but I swear, when I handed him the cards+ seeds his face lit right up and he’s amazed about this whole thing. (Since I never told him that anyone was working on a preservation) so this was a tottal surprise :open_mouth: 🫢… Man it was good to see Art happy :blush: Thank you @Pigeonman @Bobgrows for every part you did to help this become a reality! Your absolutely amazing people that I feel blessed to know!


:blush: :blush: :blush: