@Pigeonman & @Cadman Present a **CLUB QUADRANT EXCLUSIVE RELEASE** OG Server Auction!

Something like $60 on #6.

@NDNCHILD you tagged yourself

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I got you fam

Sorry for a triple post,

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Indeed I did. I outbid myself! Was just letting me know! :partying_face: So is #6 in question? Let’s make it right! It’s currently at $45 if adjustments need to be made we can do so. :blush:

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Its at 60 now.

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Lot # 15 $45 @Soiltech

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I see. People are editing still. When it calms down I’ll
Fix it to 75. :partying_face:
@Ris #6 $75

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@mota 60$.

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@DGCloud, is that for lot #1? I still see my name and the bid at $50 for that lot.

Thank you!

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I think people are missing the instructions: check the thread, tag the person you 🫵 are bumping with new bid, and edit the wiki so it reflects the new person (yourself) and the new bid. :sunglasses::v:

**please note that this is just in general speaking **


I forgot to notify the person I out bid.
If you where the one, please edit, since nobody out bid me and re add your original bid. I’m really sorry for screwing things up! I don’t know where my heads been at, but I have an idea, lol. forgive my stupidity.


This was just a general statement and not directed at you @Draig, just so the wiki reflects all changes. :wink::+1::sunglasses::v:


It was @Gimme5minutes @Draig


If no one has offered yet, I’ve got you. Just let me know :ok_hand:t2:


The intent is to respect the Jewish community!

Excatly, Thank you! :blush:


Thanks though @OhNo555 ! it made me check brother!

Thanks much @buckaroobonsai
I guess I’ll just sit with lot #22 at $40 @Gimme5minutes


If I’m not mistaken, as the story goes that it was blessed by a Rabbi? Very cool :sunglasses:


I’ll plus one that .
I offered one of the contributors a small no strings attached donation to help pay for stamps and wouldn’t accept it .
My hats off and total respect .
No doubts in my mind about the back story as told because I know older growers in BC that only grow their own from their own seed since the 80’s nor their noble motive behind this project .


It’s likely the whole “blessed by a Rabbi thing” was a sham marketing ploy by DNA Genetics who used the California OG cutting.

This is assuredly not the same stock that clone is from though, so moot point on that.

It’s weird DNA Genetics did that in the first place, but I’m not really tryna stir that pot.


Nah dude this run was blessed. So that makes it Jew Gold 1974! If you’re not Jewish how can you possibly disagree? :man_shrugging:t3: :joy:


Here’s the Menorah my best friend of 30+ years gave me to bring further honour the run.

It was right next to the plants from hitting water to getting shucked after drying.

:metal: :menorah: :metal: