@Pigeonman & @Cadman Present a **CLUB QUADRANT EXCLUSIVE RELEASE** OG Server Auction!

@royal #12 $30

Your posts say otherwise. Calling people liars, gullible, and sheep is a great way to overshadow your points by pissing people off.

Your method of trying to get your point across is counterproductive.

Overgrow is an open forum where opinions are welcome from all. Don’t believe the story, dont sign up. Want to post your opinions on the stories presented, post away. Sometimes the way folks say things can make it much more difficult to get their points across. You may just want to rethink your approach. :v:


Aren’t Goodfellas, Blow and White boy Rick snitch flicks?


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This comment is based on what?



Tagging you @Mrgreenthumb to let you know that my bid on the lot #5 is now $40.00. :sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Let’s grow some Jew’s Gold yall!

Pz :v:t2:


Ok, I worked something out! :wink:

Lot# 6 is now $25 @Faithisyours


lot #7 30$ @420noob. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Yes, it was renamed Kosher Kush. Please tell me Google brings back zero results on this…

Look exactly that way!

Me too…

But it’s only my actual conversations face to face with a man 40yrs older then me lol

@WhiteBoyRick I don’t see what your interest here actual is, and I really don’t care! If your not interested in this strain, Cool bro. :sunglasses: If you are, that’s also cool. But keep your non factual comments to yourself please!

Show me how your right & Im not… Regardless I doubt my friend had or still has any reason to bullshit me! After all, it’s his life and his story’s and his generosity that allowed me to get these seeds in the first place, then with the help of Cannabis Collector friends we together made sure an old strain, Jew Gold came back as the Orginal, who knows how many crosses it took to make Kosher Kush or even if it was crossed or not!

Anyways peace :v: I’m done :heavy_check_mark:


@DougDawson couldn’t have said it better myself!

@WhiteBoyRick the door :door: is right over on the left side!


You do understand that people grew cannabis Before the internet was invented in the 80s & everything was “Google-able” right… I’m sure not every secret in the world was uploaded…

Otherwise: I can’t.

It’s just the ramblings of an old man (who i respect as a person and old time grower) who never had a reason to lie/cheat/profit or otherwise gain crap from me or anyone els.

He doesn’t use the internet, hardly uses his phone and certainly didn’t know how I intended to spread Genetics around the world in his honor.

He gave me a gift & said please share this with people so they can experience what cannabis is supposed to be like (referring to, in his opinion is a super diluted gene pool of cannabis, in today’s standards vs what he knew personally) :wink:

Either way, I’m doing what he asked with help from friends, for Free with zero to gain!

Your welcome! @WhiteBoyRick


I have some seeds from JOTI that someone gave me a year or so ago.
Black Cali-Gold
Jordan of the Islands
11 seeds
Jew Gold (Kosher Kush) X Cali-O X Blackberry Kush
9 weeks flowering


@patsnumone #17 $30

Actually, if you do some digging on Google you can find records of people having plants in LA called Jew’s Gold that was an old Af-Pak. It was a cut from these plants Josh D got which later turned into Kosher Kush.

Speculation suggest that Josh D crossed it to the OG and that’s where the Jew’s Gold OG cut come from.

It’s all history, stories, probably some lies and truth, but there are multiple records of this. :man_shrugging:

Pz :v:t2:


Lot# 7 $40 @420noob
Lot# 20 $40 @Heliosphear


You forget to edit wiki in post #2……
I got it for you!


This makes me smile…


Well done @CADMAN !


lot #3 40$ @YoBigdaddy