@Pigeonman & @Cadman Present a **CLUB QUADRANT EXCLUSIVE RELEASE** OG Server Auction!

Lot #9 50$ @Longtooth

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That seems to be the consensus everywhere but here. Lol


I do believe there was a mix up on lot 3, I had bid 40 already. Thought I had been outbid. So I placed the bid on #9. I should be still be in lot 3 . But no big deal I guess just keep it the way that it is

Most folk on OG:


Some folk on OG…

:confused: & :rofl: @ the same time :man_shrugging:


@Bayarealivingsoil already outbid me on that one, @Mrgreenthumb

Oh ok. Well I will let all the bid updates get done before I make another bid… thanks for the heads up @Longtooth

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It’s a wiki. The intention is that until the final hours all folks update their own bids as the week progresses.

The final hour i’ll lock the wiki so there’s no WIKIWARS and then it’ll be work on my end but we’ll figure out the final numbers based on the posts in the thread. :ok_hand:


Lot #14 50$ @Kasper0909

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Lot #9 $60. Thanks again @Pigeonman @CADMAN and all involved. Onederfull opportunity.



The growing community keeps getting fleeced again and again with these “old timer origin stories”. If true this would predate OG Kush by 20 years…idk man it’s suspicious.

I could say I have the original Afghani stock chemdog came from, that I found in my uncle’s freezer after he died, from the mid 80’s (he was in the Hells Angels and a grower) and a significant chunk of people would believe me. None of that is true, but folks love a story.

As a community, we really gotta be a little more skeptical.

In two years we’re gonna have “Jew Gold” seeds spreading around that aren’t related to the actual cutting.


Another reason @CADMAN & I keep calling it “Jew Gold 1974” with an emphasis on the backstory.

No matter what the plants grown produced great results.


Whatever I think enough of trying to derail thread by continuously pointing out what can be found in the first 10 searches of google. This is based on REAL PEOPLES word and oh ya where actually there. Anything popping in the first rounds of google is bumped data from mostly people who weren’t even born in the 80’s or later. Great old school strain can’t wait to grow it out if I get the chance!


Sorry to hear about your uncle @vernal


you must have a tremendous IQ score.

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The part that gets me is why does it not seem possible to some that there was a strain someone called Jew Gold back in 1974? Seriously, could this not be a possibility? It does not mean the strain called Jew Gold it’s being compared to is the same. It seems to me that there very well could be 2 strains with the same name. I have seen LSD by BOG and also from other breeders. The only thing the 2 strains had in common was the name.

I know absolutely nothing about this strain so can’t speak to it specifically in any way. I also can’t say that there was not a grower back in 1974 that had a strain called Jew Gold.

I get that some folks are concerned about misinformation, and rightfully so, but when all a person has is a few seeds from a grower and a story what is one to do? Do you throw the seeds away or grow them and provide all the information available?

Just some food for thought.


The big difference here Doug, is that there’s not one, but two prominent members of Overgrow who put a lot of time and effort into this. I take both of them at their word. They aren’t in it for themselves, they’re trying to raise some funds for this site we all love. That’s good enough for me.

Is there a possibility this isn’t 1974 Jew Gold? Sure. Is there a possibility it is? Sure.


Respect! :fist:t3:
OGJG 1974!
Can we get back to the fun stuff now! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart:


I see no difference @CanuckistanPete. I have zero issues with the integrity of either @CADMAN or @Pigeonman. I trust them both completely. @Pigeonman is providing a story by @CADMAN and @CADMAN it providing that story from a grower he knows and trusts. I see no reason to doubt them.

My point is that nobody can really say these were not seeds from a strain called Jew Gold from 1974. Nobody really has the ability to disprove that. Even if they are not the Jew Gold it’s being compared to, it does not mean it was not a strain with that name. That the only point I am trying to make.


Lol. Saved it for later use :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’ll be honest, I think the background story stinks… seeds from an exclusive indica cut from 1974… [arched eyebrow of skepticism].

How many influential cannabis lines have some big background story that may or may not be true?

That said, it’s for a good cause… and I trust Pigeonman and Cadman wouldn’t have put their time into creating these beans unless they believed they were worthwhile. And it does make a fun legendary origin story.

I did bid and all.