Pirates of the Mediterranean

Got some too! Thanks @lefthandseeds. Can’t wait for some good looking females to impregnate. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now your talkin :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Got some pollen yesterday. Thank you kind sir. I have 4 Blue Cookies clones running right now. I think I might dedicate a few branches to see what a cross would be like. They are in the third week of flower so would prolly be a perfect time to let the jizz fly.
The Blue Cookies is a cross of GSC and Blue God. Might be interesting.


Pollen arrived today. Thanks!
I won’t be able to use it for at least 3 weeks.
Whats best way to store it? Freezer?


3 weld is no problem. Just chuck it in the freezer until you’re ready.


3 Weld? …The package? I never thought about that. Not enough room to form condensation when thawing, huh?


I meant 3 weeks. I think my phone just autocorrected it to weld.:joy:

It’s double sealed. I put it in a small ziploc and then heat seal it around that. I do try to squeeze out as much air as possible.


lmao… I should know better… I go back and read some of my posts and I can’t understand it myself… Hey, I’m not gonna get many but I’m getting a few seeds from that Neville’s Haze that got hit with your 4P Haze (almost positive, that or the 3 Way Durban or Neville’s Hz… in that order of who I think was first) and I was thinking I need to send some your way if interested. I have other stuf I’m working on but thought those might be interesting. The ON haze turned out real nice. peace


Syrian (49F, Chopped)


Dwarf 1

Dwarf 2

Fast fast fast. :racehorse:

What a terrible few weeks for growing though! First, I had to call someone out to work on the electrical panel in my house, and my lights went off for the better part of a day. I thought I was in the clear, but I think it really messed up one of the Lebs and caused a stress herm. Well, I didn’t notice it early and it definitely seeded out some of my grow. Fortunately, it was late enough that none of the seeds will be mature.

As if that wasn’t enough, the I also thought I had the fungus gnats under control. NOPE. They came back in force and have been wrecking my plants. Yellow cards absolutely covered, and spun into the vicious cycle of creating the root problems that feed the gnats. FML…

On a positive note, I’m open pollinating and inbreeding for a while anyway. So I’ve effectively screened out a plant that I would have kept if it hadn’t stressed hermed. In my experience, Lebs can be pretty sensitive to pushing out the odd nanner. This is the first I’ve seen a full blown herm occur though.

Onto the RSC Syrians. Wow, such unique plants. I am a big fan of the monopole. For these plants, it’s a decent yielder. I can imagine it being grown in high density. Like the blue hemp lebanese, I noticed that it produced some sap as well. Resin is good, smell is indistinctly fruity and attractive. Branching is about as low as I’ve ever grown. It did produce 1-2 nanners. Definitely acceptable, given my lighting problems. Roughly 2.5 feet. Seeds go to the next round.

The other two were of a completely different pheno. These are shorter than a dwarf auto, straight up. First plant was about 10" tip to tail. Perhaps they would have stretched a little more if I had figured out their phos demands a little earlier. Smell is more natural, piney, grassy. Great hash coverage, short, dense and bushy structure, but more side branching than the pole. I crossed these to the taller Leb, which ought to really bring them into a better height for standard growing. However, some day I would like to re-grow them and cross them to a dwarf auto and see just how small they can get. I’m thinking window plant, or small discrete spaces.


Lebs 49F - (1-2 weeks)

Lebs are a little slower, due to the influence of the Black Leb (~60day). But the blue hemp is a fast finisher, so phenos leaning toward that are really coming close to a finish and should be done inside of a week.

Hands down, my selection is the one in the center of the picture furthest to the back. What a great structure! It’s foxtailing a bit at the top, but it has a nice open frame with a good number of bud sides. Resin coverage is excellent, smell is really sour – not in a chemy way, more of a mouth puckering fruit. Buds are a density that I like. Not super dense, not airy. It is producing some color change, but not a lot. This next week will tell if anyone goes black.


Those are all really sweet looking plants. This is interesting. I’ve never seen either grown. Very cool. Best vibes!


That top monopole lookes awesome!!! Really digging the fat bright orange hairs on those fat nugs!! What a great SOG plant!!!


The monopole and dwarfs looks great with the orange hairs. The Lebs look fantastic :heart_eyes::ok_hand:


To be honest, I’m just relieved to have pulled them across the finish line! :sweat_smile: These were quite a challenge to grow hydroponically. I think if I grow them again as pure, I’ll have a better handle on it next time.

But the hybridization of these lines so far has really been helping with vigor and finding expressions that tolerate indoor growing methods better. Kinda feels like deconstructing them a bit and then building them back up. I’m about to start growing some Lebs from @zephyr, and then I’ll just be down to working on making selections for improvement. Happy days.


A few people have grown my selection indoor with good results and no sign of sexual instability. It has also been grown outdoor in hydro nutes in coco with no problems. I’m not sure if it has been grown indoors with hydro nutrients, but based on the previous results I’m hoping it will be smooth sailing.

Can’t wait to see how you use these.


That’s great to hear. They Syrians were probably the most difficult I’ve grown so far. I grew a few RSC Lebanese as well, and they were a little easier. Now that I know how much these plants love P, I think I should be able to get a decent run out of them. :metal:


Sounds like you’re getting in touch with your essential wah! lol. I’d day that’s probably how a lot of the best growers do it. Best vibes!


Black & Blue Lebanese (#1, 53 days)

This one is not so bad, but the fungus gnats really torched it at the end. Deinitely caught some root problems from it. But hey, she pulled though. Not a big yielder by appearances, but the buds look nice, and denser overall for the line.

My favorite part of this one is the smell. It has a really nice pine scent, with maybe a hint of glue. Resin is greasy, but thick. Can’t wait to try it.


Looking great to me. Colorful.


Black & Blue Leb #2 (54 days)

This one is giving me major flashbacks to the Blue Hemp Leb. They’re more leafy in the buds, like the BH Leb, but more resin. The bud structure is so identifiable. I don’t know what it is about the way the BH Leb… the leaf shapes, the way the stems meet the buds, a certain softness to the appearance of the underside of the buds, the shape of the calyxes, the provision of sap, the smell, the red-hued end of grow nanner that forms right at the apex of some of the buds. Yet it looks so different at the same time.

What’s so wild is that I really thought the BH Leb was super unique at the time. It looks different than any other strain I’ve ever grown. It has a certain ‘primordial’ look to it when you feel the leaves and really look closely underneath the buds. But only right now, looking closely at this plant, am I realizing how many identifiable features it had.

It won’t be my keeper (probably the next plant I chop will showcase why), but I’m also pretty curious about how it’s going to smoke.