Pirates of the Mediterranean

That’s my philosophy. If you get pollen, it’s no big deal to make some seeds and test grow a few. You can definitely find gold that way!


Nice work Lefty, too bad they aren’t doing well with stress.


Sounds wonderful :blush: :yum:


Beautiful photos of these plants.

Looking for your best photo of BB Lebanese early/Tall pheno


Bro they are gorgeous
I have that trouble with one of the skunk 1 namers only 1 or 2 buds in the 8 week definitely heat stress
That plant is 2 inches from the light an no room to move up lol I find that the naners in later weeks are sterile anyway ( imho)

My seed plant was a different mom and no issues at all with her ( I kept her short )

Great work as always



Now that’s the ticket


I dunked some Black and Blue Leb a few days back. 7 plants are up so far, a few more with tails. The plan is to take advantage of their small size and plant 3 ladies per earthbox. Going to grow them just 4-6 weeks ( mid may i hope)before flipping so I can harvest before end of July humidity and heavy morning dew sets it. If they are real small at week 6, I’ll veg a little more. If humidity hits and there Is a mold issue I’ll finish them indoors with a dehumidifier.
I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. Excited to get some Lebanese buds or even hash to smoke😁


Oooo! You’re gonna love those. They probably won’t be terribly small but they’re slender and will work ok close together I think. They won’t be small at 6 weeks, that’s plenty of veg time.

That blue hemp Lebanese is super early, so I think your plan is good.


Here’s some of mine from last fall. They were planted last and never got too big. Mostly slender like you said. I didn’t get to feed them the way I would have because of my broken leg but they finished, and were still pretty nice.

Thanks again @lefthandseeds :man_farmer: :pray: :v:


Oh yeah! They look great! Perfect for my intended setup.


Great pictures! Thanks for sharing those. That one has the structure more toward the blue hemp Lebanese. There are more branchy phenos too. Good looking plant. They grow easy.


My hat :tophat: is off to you sir

That looks absolutely amazing

:star_struck: wow



As slender as they are, we’re the yields good?


Yeah, pretty good. I’d say I got almost a couple of ounces dried. I broke my leg at the end of August so when I got back home, I just threw bloom food(Roots organics dry) into the dirt and let them make due with that. I didn’t get to steer the plants with intended flower amendments.

One or two of those are Black Leb. But more B&B Leb. I lost track when I took the pics. :ok_man: :v:


Btw, how is your leg doing?


My leg hurts most of the time, but it’s progressing. I only just started therapy a couple of months ago. I can walk some without the crutches until it’s too painful. I stopped the anitbiotics a few weeks back so if the bacteria is gonna come back we’ll know soon. If it does, I have to have the hardware from the surgery removed. If it gets into my bone I could lose the lower leg, so it’s a little stressful in the back of my mind. It’s slow, but it is doing better. Just gonna take a while I think.

Thanks for asking brother! Enjoy that nice warm spring you guys are getting! peace


Sorry to hear you’re still experiencing significant pain. I remember you having to go back in the hospital because of the infection a couple of months ago, so I was checking in.


@GMan get better soon brother

Sending prayers and good thoughts your way


does that mean you made it through the wound healing stage?
thanks for the update I hope you’ll continue to make good progress with your healing.


It’s not really stopping me like it used to. I’m blazing around all day. I dropped one crutch and try to walk when I can but after a while I need a little help.

I’m slinging plants like a mad man. The weather is already nice with 70-80ºf for almost a week I think. All of my indoor plants are outside for the whole day. Then I bring them in for more light till midnight or so. That high elevation sun is something! I’ll be flipping some real soon. But, I have others and all are at different stages. I guess I’m going to rig another light for the plants needing veg.

I came up with a scheme to convince myself to sprout a bunch of my long flowering sativa. As soon as everything else is harvested, I’ll bring the sativa to the downstairs basement to finish. The ground will still be warm enough down there till after Christmas. So, they’ll have a good two months or so before I have to worry about the cold. Plus, the ceilings are 9 feet high.

So, Kashmir, Malawi, Oaxaca probably, Ace of Spades x Zacatecas, Zamal, Durban Poison, with a bunch of maybes. I have to remind myself what I even have. Then I’ll maybe cull a few but I’d like to get about a dozen going outside all summer. Damn, I think I have some Indian strains, Iranian, African, … :thinking: Imma put on my @oldskool shitkicker hat (I really need to get me one) :cowboy_hat_face:, and I’m gonna push “Onward through the Fog”!!! :v: