Pistils 15 days old auto?

Is that possible?I found some calyxes appearing with pistils in 15 days old auto…?

Plant Is very small yet.Didn’t give any flowering booster or Bloom nute except for Bat guano in amended soil


Yes, most likely a pre-flower, just like one would see on a vegging plant. The plant will continue to grow vertically as begins to transition to the flowering stage.



My Mephisto originals and crosses sometimes start that early.


I think i am stunting Them with 200 Watts at 35 cm

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From what I can tell from the picture, the height looks good for an auto for that many days, in my experience.

May not hurt to back that 200w closer to 45cm.


Those are the ladies.So small :frowning:
Should rise up the led maybe


As others have said, yes it’s normal no worries! They’re looking good buddy! Have you grown autos before? It looks like you are growing in coco. What size bags are those? I’ve read that autos do a little better in smaller sized pots - although I don’t have too much experience comparing the two.


It’s a lightmix half of the pot,the lowest half Is amended by me with 20-25% humus and 3% Bat guano + lightmix.I am feeding very low amount of fish mix,using only stimulants and water.
Pots are 11l X2 and Little One 7,5l

She’ll stretch some… I had full on pollen sacs at 11 days with a spacewiz… some autos are quick to show sex…


Completely normal. When I used to grow autoflower, they grew like this until they hit 5-6 nodes, then got pre-flowers. They should stretch out for two weeks and then go straight into flower. No worries.

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Well guys,She has stopped for good.I think my soil mix is too hot since the other girl Is doing Better with different soil mix.I preparerò pHed water to do a wash and check run off

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I’ve had autos grow like this other 2 plants were 6ft tall this one was 13inches all the same

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The strain is the same I have grown three months ago in my other thread,It was tremendously growing day by day,under the sun and the lamp.That s why I doubt It’s this pot soil the cause

This is a bubblegum auto I’ve grown a lot of this strain sometimes you get a small plant in the mix
I always use the same soil and nutes on plants

Like I said sometimes you get small plants,that’s what a lot of people don’t like about growing autos smaller yields compared to photo plants ,

I like growing autos I’ve grown a lot of them,quick harvest

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Guys my ppm run off water was 5670 shit.I am still fishing shit

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I stopped flushing at 1600 ppm, pH 7.0
I ll let her dry

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If you put those pots on a towel, it will wick away the water and help them dry out faster. :+1::seedling:


Thank you @ReikoX :heart_eyes: