Plant did great in veg, then dried out in coco

Put my plant in flower, left town, blumats weren’t setup right. It dried out for a day or two, and just looks crispy and smelly. It is still alive on the bottom branches like normal. I most likely with cut off all the top growth, replant to first node and try again. This time with hempy buckets :slight_smile:

Sound like a plan? What made it do this? Just drying out coco? Too much airflow?

i’ll post what i said in the pm here as well, even though there is no need to double up.

pH or Lack of water most likely. Also if it’s running dry and then you try and feed it with normal strength nute water it will crisp up a plant in a hurry not to say that’s the case though. The reason behind that is the plant is so starved for water that when it does get water it takes everything in with a hurry without being selective of what it needs nutrient wise, so you end up running into an overfert crisp and lockout situation.

So if the plant is dry it always best just to feed straight water at first then follow up a day or so later with your nutrient water.

Also i find most people starting in coco typically run their plants dry without knowing how much water coco can actually hold. They water intiallially dry coco and when they see run off they stop not realizing when coco is dry it takes a bit for it to hold onto that water, and in turn they are under watering their plants.

A way to find out how much water your coco will hold is to water as you would with your pot on a tray or bowl or whatever. Water till you have some runoff, but let the pot sit in that run off and walk away for 30min then come back and water again till you have run off and then let that drain. That will show you how much coco can actually hold. You can measure how much you put in minus runoff that’s left. Coco can hold up to around 70% of its volume in water.

pH could be another issue, but you saying it went dry i suspect the former.

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i flood all my plants that have coco. coco needs a 15 minute minimum flood time to soak in enough water

As long as you have live growth that isn’t beyond coming back you may be okay. As stated above coco takes a minute to absorb and hold water. Fine coco may be good for a couple days or so with the chips which I use they are flooded daily for 15 minutes . Best of luck let us know bow she does
Peace OG

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Thank you all. She’s trimmed and back in veg. Let me do it right this time. With fabric pots/coco in general if she sits in runoff; wouldn’t it be absorbed back into the medium over the next day or so?

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Yes it would some very little this time of year would evaporate. But a plant in flower blooming and shooting flowers will drink more than you think. Plus the fabric also breaths so it will dry out a little quicker naturally. Looking forward to a restart. Peace OG

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