Plant number and legal limits

So I had a break in while growing medical about 9 years ago… they kicked in the door and snapped off my center colas… even took my stuff that was drying in another room.

Jokes on them. It was a seed run and those girls were dripping with beans…

Pretty sure it was my landlords stepson. He had been doing work outside the house while I was at work, and when I got home I found a cut screen on the only unlocked window in the house. Never proved anything, but I had cops standing in my grow, counting my plants. Then 1 told me they looked really nice lol. I asked if I could take a pic and they said no.


I’m not allowed any in my prohibition state.
Had a hell of a scare not long ago. Dude on the run in my neighborhood, cops in pursuit on foot. I was getting blazed in my shop, just chilling. Just got done trimming veg cabinet.
I step out the door and BAM. Popo in my yard walking toward me.
I shit a firm brick. Shut the shop door, locked it and he approaches me and asks if a suspect was in my shop. I said hell no, he asked to check it out. I said nah its clear in there. I go in the house. Fifteen minutes later I see police dogs walking in neighbors yard.
Now I’m paranoid AF. A few minutes later they catch suspect one block over.
Long story short be safe and never get too comfortable in prohibition state.
Can’t wait until this war is over. :peace_symbol:


Do plants in vitro typically count or not? That would be a great way to archive cultivars and isolate them from diease.

My experience in the prohibition era was they “count” everything and anything often to exaggerated amounts. I new a grower who got pinched. The police counted 20 clones that had just rooted. they counted that as 20 plants…street value $100,000. Overall they called that bust a million dollar bust. Weed was $5000 a pound back then but c’mon .


and weigh them with the roots on the plants :frowning:


And in my case with the dirt as well.


yes sir :frowning: and wet as water


They think 5 plants and 5 seedlings are a massive grow. Lol.
Its all BS, and they wonder why half the people don’t like them.

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