Plant problems for 200 pat

I made my own about two months ago with the manure perlite bone meal blood meal and earth worm castings lost seven seeds to it because I didn’t let it cook but now I have one plant in the tent have not fed anything it’s whole life cycle in that pot ….3 gallon maybe 2

I’d try a bit of cal mag, and maybe pH down a little. If it keeps going that one may have not been as evenly mixed and has used up it’s nitrogen.

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I’ve been doing no nutrients for at least two weeks just a tsp of Epsom salts per gallon tomorrow I shall try to get some cal mag and add that to see where I’m at …think I should just flush and then start with light nutrients or to late in flower to risk fuckong it up

Under led fce 3000 marshydro

How long does this auto take? How long has it been?

Autos do not have time to recover like a photo period could have. Knowing when it started and how long it takes, can help with getting the right answers.

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There’s the problem.

Likely a mild nutrient deficiency then if you aren’t using fertilizer and are just using old manure. Nutrient demands are greater than the volume of soil can provide. Organic soil requires large volumes to meet plant demands through flower.

Possibly also/or pH issues, check runoff ASAP like others have suggested, and as well, old leaves do yellow and fall off. Plants don’t look terrible, problem is mild and probably easily corrected. Too late to repot, just use the fertilizer as directed and check pH.


As you spoke about blackish spots I was wondering about a Manganese deficiency perhaps by too high pH … :sunglasses:

Manganese deficiency tends to show up as pale discolouration (chlorosis) near the base of new plant growth. This can eventually spread out to effect the tips of leaves and brown (necrotic) spots start to appear, eventually on older leaves. The leaf margins and veins can appear green while the interveinal areas can start to yellow.

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Started preflowering may 24 so should I flush and then go mild with nutes ?

One is in same soils and has had barley any nutes and she looks good

I’ve been giving Epsom salt along with clean water

@vernal so last time I checked ppm it was 400 with clean run off ph was 6.5 added 1000 ppm through soil and run off was 600 with ph was a little lower…like I said I’m stumped


Doesn’t seem too bad my dude…seems like normal pH and nutrient levels, if you’re keeping up on it.

Some leaf fade and dying is inevitable in later flower. Some plants looks like crap leaf-wise when they’re almost done flowering; not much you can do about it. As long as the buds look good and it’s mostly happening to the oldest leaves, I wouldn’t worry as it sits now.

Too much epsom has an antagonistic effect on calcium levels. I’d cut the epsom, personally, stick with what you were using.


@vernal i haven’t used anything in a while besides Epsom so I’m gonna with a straight flush just in case then go with mild nutes ?? Because bud production hasn’t slowed down…
So here’s the real question how will I be able to tell if I have corrected error

I’d just use normal strength flower nutrients if the buds are still building without the epsom. Going too mild on nutrients is likely contributing to this.

@vernal even for auto flowers that’s what made me stop feeding….nute burn on tips unless it had to adjust to feeding and then I panicked now it’s striving for nutrients ? See how I over think but I wanna learn to defeat problems

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Overthinking is the natural state of existence in this hobby lol. Good for people who just can’t stop messing with stuff haha. I’m guilty of it, too.

Autoflower feeding isn’t much different. Ever so slight burnt tips lets you know the plant has enough to eat, in my opinion. If it’s a problem, it isn’t a severe one, and you can’t really fix an old burnt leaf anyway. If the buds still look good, you’re mostly on the right track.

I think the general tendency over here is to underfeed, so many people saying “use half or less what the label says” but I don’t find that to be true in practice, usually it’s a good way to get yourself an underfed plant. People also say “flush 3 weeks before harvest” or something similar and that’s a 1-way ticket to a small harvest. I don’t flush at all, personally.

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Yeah haven’t flushed before but maybe that’s what I’m doing to the plant with the clean water and not even noticing it

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Not gonna hurt the plant just final yields. You’ll find the sweet spot next run. If you’re relatively new to growing, you’re doing really well.


Two runs in a 3x3 is all I got lol plan to have many more in a bigger area lol

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It’s me again so the ones slightly turning yellow should turn back green I saved this auto with a giant flush then hammered her with two hard doses of nutes back to back but now she looks a little excess w.e she’s a experiment anyway I know the signs of root bound at least

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This is her now haven’t feed her once since I repotted it in the soil I made best looking gal out the bunch “she ain’t wearing braces “


Well ended up giving one of the sick ladies a full dose of. I tried ya after a flush and she seems to be more yellow the. Yesterday lol idk I think I’m done feeding and being a auto I think three more weeks she will be ready