What did i do wrong?

What’s going on here? Did I add too much fertilizer? Do i need to flush? It is creeping closer to my flowers, ughhh


What are you growing in? What are you feeding them? How much and how often? When did the signs start? What are the temps and RH?


Have two fans going and that is abt the max temp it will get. No upcurling on the leaves due to heat stress.
Soil, ffof/hf, ff big bloom, tiger bloom, and terpinator. I gave them the “heavy feeding” yesterday. Yellowing was happening a couple days ago, but not as bad on my larger pot. The smaller pot is getting the worst. Also gave cal mag this weekend, regular dose. Gave them both some water today.

See my comment

Im guessing it could be the big bloom, that mud water looking stuff that is causing an issue

Ph and ppm too.

You don’t need 5 bottles of anything.

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It is just these

I only added cal mag twice, once at beginning of flower and once this weekend once i noticed the stems getting purple. Was afraid they werent able to absorb enough flowering ferts. P or k not sure which one

I would back off everything for a few days and see where you are after a break.


Okay i will just use water for a few days and see

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I have both meters but havent used them yet. I will calibrate them tomorrow and check (do i really need to calibrate them right out of the box?)

Why not. Your know where you’re starting. Make a log for yourself. Be anal about it. How much water per gallon of medium, etc. Check run-off #s.
Not “just” water. Ph that stuff.

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Ugh okay will do haha

Hard to see in the pics hum|nullxnull but if you see red spots over yellow it could be Manganese deficiency, blocked because too much Calcium … beer3|nullxnull



Yep that looks like what has started. Thanks


I don’t think you really need the 3 boosters man. If it were me I would maybe put some PH’ed water through the pots and give them a couple days. They look like they got lots of life left in them so you got time to sort it out.


Weird bc i added just the minimal amt of cal mag but guess i didnt need it.

Ocean forest contains calcium, as does tap water and Tiger bloom so I doubt you need the calmag man.


Thank you for that input. Im using well water so i guess it has plenty