Plant Re-Vegging 60+ Days in Flower... Should I Just Chop It?

Still a little clear for me but not the end of the world. I’d ride it out for a few days and decide then.


okay going to check them again in a couple days


I’d let it finish. Try to get plants outside before March 1. That always gave me a lot better success.

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These do look like revegging plants to me. I have a couple doing the same thing outdoors rn too. Im attempting light dep, but I got a little lazy w it last week and noticed 2 of 8 plants doing the same; shooting small single leaves out the top of the buds. I’m hoping I can snap mine back out of it. Im also somewhere around day 64

Many people think of the scraggly post-harvest re-veg as what to expect. Either that, or an early flip, then re-veg, both of which look a bit different, ime, than a late flower re-veg. These buds will gradually just start growing more and more leaves out of them if you let the re-veg process continue.


Here’s mine


Equinox is when day and night time hours are the same which has no effect on the plants. Solstice is when the days are longest/shortest which directly affects the flowering cycle… When the days are getting longer, before the summer solstice, cannabis plants revert to their growth stage. When days start to get shorter after the solstice the plants recognize that and go in to flower.

Unless it has a few hidden seeds.

Thank you for confirming for me. I have quite a few outdoor harvests under my belt and this is my first time getting re-veg. So I just knew something was off when they didn’t fill in and started throwing the one leaf sets. I was kinda having second thoughts when people commented saying it was probably geneticbut too many signs point to it actually being re-veg so I was wondering if I was losing my mind or what lol. Plus, I got a buddy who lives five minutes from me and he thinks his outdoor plants are in re-veg also. Yeah one look at your plant and the first thing that comes to mind is re-veg also. Thanks again and good luck on harvest bro!

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Understood. Just saying it is at the equinox that the light imbalance starts. It is literally when nature is on 12/12. Right now, when plants that were on 18/6 are brought outside, even with the massive illumination of the sun, will often start to flower before reverting back to veg.

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My sour did that this run but still ended up looking and being normal (the one leaves)
So I just didn’t want to jump right into assuming reveg but it seems to be in some part of the process yes
However the heads should continue to mature in even thru the ordeal
So I wouldn’t worry about leaving it a few extra days

I don’t know if there might be a hormonal switch of sorts in which could affect the taste tho

Being seeded definitely doesn’t stop re-veg, not sure if that’s what you were saying but I have re-vegged fully seeded plants mid flower.


Yea, there are definitely some genetics, (ie sativa leaning) that are prone to throw more leaves. But, if it’s a noticeable change happening at a time when reveging is very possible, well…it looks a lot like my reveg ooppps:)

The mid to late flower re-veg happens more slowly and gradually ime, the buds don’t die off immediately or anything, they just slowly get leafier and leafier.

Yes, being seeded.

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Are you saying I implied that?
I can’t see where that was inferred from my post haha

Oh wait I see nvm
I still need to get used to the like invisible quotes that are sometimes used

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This might be the closest thread for my problem. I have this big Buddha blue cheese female that I’m absolutely in love with. My plan was to clone it and have a mother. Then… I became part owner of a restaurant and neglected everything. Long story short I’m in love with a butt structure and smell just about everything else. Is it possible to cut the giant cola off and leave the two small buds and revenge and hopefully turn into a mom?


People here have done it! I haven’t tried it yet.
I took cuts in flower and re-vegged

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I’ve done it a few times before. It best to whack it to a few bottom nodes. Take off the buds for sure. And I’ll tell you why. Once I had one seed in a bottom bud probably from a neighbor’s pollination and it just hung there confused. When after a while I pulled the bud and searched for a seed and it was there. If the plant has a seed it will act different.