Plant support in soil


That is an impressive garden you got there…


The branches are looped, not knotted… So you can slide them where you want them, then the weight of the branch locks it in place…each bud exactly where you want it…fully adjustable and only one knot per plant… It’s like the cursive writing of tie jobs… Perfect for those holy fuck my plants are on the floor moments :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


cat’s cradle…cannabis cradle!

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Thanks for sharing your method. Welcome to OverGrow @Kidhidro!

I don’t top plants so my method is to tie plants down, I do hydro so the buds get monstrous and heavy then I’m turning around and tying them UP.

Somewhere I have pictures of a 5 foot plant I transplanted from a 5 gallon bucket into the ground, tied it down in 13 places and it went bonkers. it was a great plant.

When I got to the dollar store they sell 3 packs of cotton twine spools, I grab up 5 or 6.