Plants wont stop revegging

Earlier this year I took clones, and started some seedlings to put outside. I them under light plugged into the same circuit as my flower tent, so the clones started to flower. I fixed the schedule to (16/8) and they stayed that way for a while. That schedule may have been too agressive as when I moved them outside they continued to reveg.

Two of the four plants (one clone and one from seed) are growing fine, so signs of reveg. The other two, both clones (Acupulco gold and gorilla berries) have been outside for 3-4 weeks now and are still putting out reveg growth (1-3 fingers etc) and growing much more slowly.
Otherwise they look fairly healthy. Good color, no insect damage, etc.

Any hints on how to get them to kick off normal veg growth? Seems like they should have by now.


Reveg can take a long time to clear up sometimes, I have some plants that only made clean new growth after like 5 months. And if you are in the northern hemisphere, I don’t think it’s super unusual for plants to do some whacky reveg stuff when you put them outside at the start of summer, long days and all.


Agreed, it will take what it takes. Other than just basic care and making sure they are getting veg nutes or at least some extra N material if you are organic, I don’t know of any way - even broscience-wise - to hasten regular growth patterns.

It’s an interesting question though.


Def not interested in bro science. Just impatient I guess.


Last year I put some plants outside because of a slight Hermie and pm on the other plant and they were in week 3.5 of flower and they revegged also the buds that were already formed before the re-veg stayed on them and it just grew new buds and no branches or fan leaves just grew bigger buds and the old ones were slightly different colors but they were very flavorful and sticky smelled excellent :ok_hand:


This early in the season you should be able to get a great harvest. I’d let it do it’s thing.

These are my stressed out reveg gals that I’m just keeping around to smell now days. I should probably just let them move on but I’m too sad when I think about ending their lives so they’ll live out their life until a natural end comes


That’s great we have the same thing going on with our babygirls just can’t let them go…


Hey Sodapop, how do you like the little greenhouse you have? I’ve got a similar one with shelves I use to hang and dry my harvest in!

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It’s a sealed house but it’s pretty bad on temperature and circulation! Definitely needs a fan running 24/7 and on a hot day it gets up to about 120-140 F

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Wow that is very Hot :fire:. I was going to get another one for my veggies since the bugs :bug: are always a pain in my ass!! I’ll just have to go with it and just deal with the bugs

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There may be ways to lower the ambient temp inside but idk it just doesn’t have the best air exchange

Right and being outside is kinda hard to find a exhaust fan that is good enough to help with the heat and humidity and also priced low enough to be able to have it outside and not worry about it. May I suggest getting some oscillating fans or exhaust fan?