Please help. 18 plants yellowing again!!!

We need to keep this forum tidy, opening a new thread with the same issue is not a good option, as all the info and opinions of the first one are missing, people will have to ask for them again Here wer read everything, opening a new thread doesn’t increase the options for getting a good answer …


To be fair the guy seemed pretty frustrated and got a lot of contradictory information, and some nonsense :wink:
Seems like he’s now getting to grips with the issue so good on him and hopefully one day he can similarly help another grower. I get his frustration though. I had the same thing once but but with magnesium deficits and no internet to turn to back then lol


Oh well, if he stick around enough time he will get used to the Calcium conspiracy as we all already do … frech|nullxnull


Lol the calcium conspiracy is real :grin:

Seriously though if you have very soft water like I have you might well find you have to use some… calmag :speak_no_evil:


Is this overwatered? Try using fertilome chelated iron.

If it has been overwatered which I think can cause a multitude of problems with macro and micro nutrients. Wouldn’t there be some issues with the roots recovering from rot? What is the best technique to help the recovery? Treatment of leaves with foliar feed :+1:, getting soil back to proper ph, destroy any of the pathogens attacking roots with a good flush, and giving the plants roots time to recover. Just some random thoughts.


It’s like Magic I Swear by it another good trick is to use kelp juice in your spray plants love it

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Alot of people talking about calcium conspiracy… makes me laugh because calcium was exactly my issue… I’m still learning… but… with reverse osmosis water I’m seeing that calcium needs to be around 160 ppm and mg 80 ish if you’re on an accelerated type grow… which with my light… it is exactly what happens…accelerated growth demands more of certain things … calmag is deffo 1 of em… if I listened to this calmag conspiracy talk … I’d still be in the same boat…watching plants die under a high end led… so… let’s be clear here… sometimes too much Ca can antagonize Mg then Fe… buuuuuuuuut… if you’re growing super fast with cutting edge equipment… then yes… most likely you’ll need more of an accelerated grow feed … hence more calmag and possibly K… and possibly N… but that’s just what I’ve found so far… I’m super new… but as far as I’m concerned… growing for 49.5 years means not much if the people used old equipment… obsolete type stuff… info now is changing… grows are changing… nutrient needs are changing… what was before… now doesn’t apply


I been in the weeds with zero water ( rain ) and cal mag. seems that cutting it off in flower is fine, keeps plants from frying, like, if they had a lot in there prior development, calcium aids in structure and that is accomplished primarily in veg.

Yeah outside is not even close to the same ballgame

liquid stuff is pretty awesome. No calibration. Tiny bottle but you need only 3 drops a test. General Hydroponics made the one I use.