Please help. 18 plants yellowing again!!!

If you use some gypsum instead or 50/50 with the dolomitic lime you will get magnesium and sulphur with it in balanced amounts that will not affect soil PH as much as the dolomitic lime by itself.

Not sure about whats causing that discoloration though, possibly to much N with the leaf clawing.

What’s your humidity like :thinking:


It seems like a pretty hot soil and then watering with more nutes seems pretty aggressive to me.
Unless I am misunderstanding… I’d be doing water only mostly with a choice bonus here and there maybe with that soil, at least at first and for a good while if it was doing well.


Looks like N is slightly too high and either ca too low or ca and mg… usually not enough ca will induce a mg deficiency… then iron… typically in that order… looks like not enough p and k and not enough ca and or mg

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If it was me I would. Check the ph of whatever your source water is. Then run said water through your plants. Now check ph again and compare. I would guess as was said your pH is too low. Recently had a similar problem, corrected it by doing the above and then running 2-3 times the water my ladies needed with pH adjusted higher then need to counteract. Plants responded quickly and I repeated the process daily until run off was in correct range.

I would guess your problems will clear up on their on once pH is corrected. Except with a a bit of nute burn on the tips.

Have u checked ur runoff thats the best way to figure put the issue also a soil test kit can help

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I use a rounded tablespoon per gallon of promix to buffer the ph. Adding some gypsum will also balance with Mg.
That actually looks familiar, does it start from the bottom up? Do the yellow edges then turn brown and crispy? Everything said to me K deficient, but oddly the plants that didn’t do that were the ones I didn’t use kelp meal with (ran out). So I stopped using kelp meal in the promix. I know so many swear by it but I don’t mix the soil ahead of time and let it “cook”, maybe that’s why my plants didn’t like it.


I do pH everything to about 6.2 to 6.5 I did a couple of slurry tests and they came out to about an average of 6.4. Everyone says it’s a calmag issue but it’s getting it so of course it makes me think of the soil pH being off but it seems to be OK to.

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1/4 cup per cubic of your mix.

1/4 cup of lime per cubic yard?


Can you spray Cal/mag folar feeding? Bad idea?

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I’ve only been growing 49.5 years but…

My imaginary friend has been growing 60 years and he says:

Stop it… Get some help for your calcium addiction. You don’t need any lime with that recipe. It’s caused your potassium-boron deficiency.

I wish there was more interesting cannabis content somewhere on the internet. Seeing the Cannabis gene pool perpetually ruined by calcium overdose for 49.5 years is getting old.

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Do you have any actual advice?


I would swap out the lime for oyster shell, myself.
I used ProMix for many years and never used lime.
Not saying my plants were always stellar or with the most grow experience, like everyone else. Just my $.02

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If I was able to find the Flour Version I would have preferred that!

Oh! And it’s imaginary friend approved!

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Now Boron finally appeared, whassup man … beer3|nullxnull

@50yearplusgrower, please don’t open a new thread with same issue, all the info needed will be scattered …


Not so sure about the advice given here… Calcium deficiency is usually rust spots on the leaves and mag is usually super green leaf veins with lighter chlorosis around em. I’m seeing no rust and yellowing on the edges of the leaves not around the veins, think u guys need to take ur blindfolds off to throws darts at this dartboard

Seems like a dumb question but how’s the airflow in the grow spaces? I’ve seen this before from semi stagnant conditions like the roots are getting drown out

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Cubic foot lol, my bad, I sometimes forget to type my full sentence :sweat_smile:

Well it maybe lame to you but I’m looking for an answer to my grow issues. When you have 18 plants going and the last 2 grows turned out to be crap you reach out to your fellow growers for advise.
I’ll post in as many areas as I can to find an answer. If you don’t like what the posts are about - Don’t read them. Not to complicated.
I’ve been smoking and growing since 1969. I’ve got 16 years indoors and many many years outdoors. I 100% don’t have it all figured out. I still am learning all the time.
I’ve never had this much of an issue indoors than I am right now. I need help and this is what was suggested- by several people.
Spray Epsom salts and cal/mag after lights off.
I did that and I’ve never seen such a fast turn around. They aren’t fixed yet but a 100% better. I’ll spray again in 1 week.
I couldn’t be happier with the results.
To all who had suggestions and took the time to make suggestions I sincerely thank you!!!


The largest adjustment I’ve noticed is getting used to how plants behave growing under the intense glare from modern LEDs. They seem to eat magnesium at rates you probably won’t see elsewhere. Especially when that light is contained inside a highly reflective tent. Things get worse when growing in coco as it seems to bind a lot of magnesium making it unavailable unless there is an abundance of the stuff