Please help me succeed at making clones

Also make sure your rooting plugs aren’t too wet, damp is what we’re looking for. Soak them, then squeeze them out, you’ll hear a wet spongy sound when you’ve done it right. Damp with high oxygen is what you want. Never let it dry out, but never soak it to full capacity, find that happy medium and you’ll have roots in no time.


Thanks! I have some clones working in Hormex powder at the momment.
They’re in my living room, whi there light is LED and the temperature is around 68.

I have two gels and they have done this since brand new.

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If you are still having troubles, and want to try another tack, this thread sorted me out :slight_smile:

What a FABULOUS idea re the cake stand!


Thanks for looking out! IK apologizew for not coming back sooner. Been too busy the passt several days.

I’ve been suyccessful making clones! I checked on Sunday and saw roots on a lot of them. I had one batch in a closet under LED with temps around 74. Another set in my living room under a small fluorescent light.

Both batychesd made clones, but the ones under Fluorescent lights had more success.

I also started doing only what I can recall doing in the early 2000’s when I had no trouble making clones. I anticipate success with the clones I just cut.

It was the switch to Hormex that did it for me. The gels were just turning black. Mayvbe I was dipping the stem too far into the gel.


Way too wet brother!!! @petedacook
I just did a few clones myself. I do use a solo cup and fill it halfway with dirt. I soak my rapid rooter in a mixture of rhizotonic and water and I let my cuts sit in the same mixture for like 10 minutes
Then they get dipped in clonex gel in to the rooter then into the solo cup with a ziplock bag dome

I learned from a good friend prep the mom (donor plant )bloom feed the week before you take cuts . the extra p,k is necessary for root development !

Use a spray bottle to mist the cut and keep it under a dome
Should take 8 to 15 days depending


Thanks for recommending this. Switching from gel to powder made me successful.

Mayb I was using too much gel. I don’t know, but I know with powder I am successful. I don’t get the moldI was getting with the gel.


A very successful grower ‘‘HD’’ from Hennepdesk always suggested powder rooting hormone over the gel.
I found powder worked well- but have lately gone back to ‘Root riot’ gel- will be interesting to see how long they take to root…I reckon on 10 days…cold weather can slow them up.


The one thing I hate about the gel is it goes bad after a few months. The powder definitely stores better.

I just use 1” Rockwool cubes under fluorescent lights. I keep them in a clear storage tote with the lid cracked. Keep the cube damp, not soaked. Two weeks at most for roots.

I don’t use gel or powder anymore. I didn’t see a noticeable difference.


I’m still trying to figure out what went wrong.

One thing I noticed with both gels I used was that the gel would group up around where the stem went into the cube. That grouping of gel would always form mold. You can see that in the pictures I posted a few responses up.

Is that problem unique to me? Is that normal? Any thoughts?


If your rooting plug isn’t too wet, then I think your right to assume the grouping of gel may be a possible culprit. But realistically, it would have to be contaminated in the first place. I have gel, powder, liquid nutrient with hormone and fresh aloe. More than 50% of the time, I just use fresh aloe as cloning gel. I have 100% success. But the rooting plug absolutely can not be too wet. The wetter it is, the less oxygen it holds. Pathogens thrive in oxygen depleted environments.
High oxygen is imperative to form roots. No other way about it.


That’s why I love Grodan blocks.They hold the exact perfect just right enough amount of water throughout the whole mass of the block.Only Caveat to the Grodan is that it needs to be ph at 5.5 and proper cloning nutrients added 24 hour to cutting transplant.I can back off humidity out of blocks easier with the Grodan as to soil which I used to do.Best times I have now are around 7 to 8 days used to be 12 to 14 solid with the soil.


Right there with ya on the times, but im using rapid rooters. I used to use grodan back in the day. Is phosphoric acid still the norm for conditioning or has something else come along with similar results.


I’ve been exclusive recycled LOS the last decade, but lately I’ve been getting that hydro itch. I really want to get some wool slabs going again. I have a couple nutrient dosers just collecting dust. Any advise on brand nutrient for the slabs?

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It’s used in the standard Ph down and is very common I use it with clonex clone and seedling solution when I do my cuttings.Probably some of the only stuff in a bottle I use besides TPS organic Calmag and Mr Fulvic.I’m mostly a dry amendment guy but I do supplement with from time to time.Trying some of this stuff out at the moment.Appears to be working way more budsites and thicker buds on my Texada now


Try some of this for your blocks I even tried watering seedlings with it and broken in clones works pretty good you won’t get yellowed out clones with this in those blocks gives me just enough food before they get broke off


Very nice!! She looks like she reeks too!

I’m just starting my flower phase, day 10 of true flower. Water only.


You have a living soil bed!! that’s awesome.I do mine outside now I used to do huge fabric pots inside with living solid mixes.Now I just do 30 gallon fabrics not the 100 gallon ones.I’m finding out they really like growing together and they hold water way better a couple to a bed.That root mass acts as one and it gets huge.They will even grow around eachother to make room for each others buds and they act like a cage and prop eachother up.Really dig beds like that


Thanks, I’ll give it a shot. The bottled stuff I have is pretty old and it doesn’t have b1. Lots of peeps swear by clonex

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I’ve had this bottle for 2 years it lasts forever like 10mil per dose that’s it

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