Please help me succeed at making clones

Thanks, yeah I got tired of tossing coco after 1 or 2 grows so I started recycling. That one bed is approximately 1.8 cubic yards. Lol, there’s no turning back now. Just have to make more room.

With the larger area for roots, I’ve noticed there alot more forgiveness with over watering or even under.


Plants end up like this after about two weeks after hardening.I transplant into cooked soil that’s recycled (this batch is going on the third run)and I never get leaf yellowing


What strain is that?

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I’m 100% positive too much water wasn’t the issue. Not only did I experiment with different amounts of water, and achieve the same mold around where the stem meets the block, I had some blocks dry out.

In addition, the clones I succeeded with (no gel, just powder) had more water than the ones that got moldy. I had a problem with blocks drying out, so I added water in the bottom of the Dixie cup with the block. Those succeeded. I went back to what I did when I was highly successful witjh clones and that included keeping about half an inch of water in the bottom of the dixie cup.

And when I say Dixie cup, I don’t meran the large red solo cups. I mean thte tiny little dixie cup you may put a swallow of mought wash in to rinse your mouth out.

i think the temp and airflow I have around the clone area causes them to dry out fast. I did a several experiments, isolated variables, and eliminated what wasn’t working. I’m confident I’ll get 100% success on this latest bnatch I got going.

Oh yea- I ordered the clone gels on mazon. The transit in the hot trucks may have fried the gel causing it to fail upon arrival. Either way, F those gels.

Thanks to everyone for the help!


Mr toads BackPack BoneYard Seed company NorCal .that cut was off one of these ladies


It definitely sounds like you’ve made notes on all the variables. Sounds like you’ve just got some bad gel. But your definitely bound for success with all the trial n error you had to go through. One thing that I’ve learned in all my years is “if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it”. What works for one may not for another and everyone has a different situation. I don’t think I was much help, but I hope you get things dialed in and I wish you all the best.

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Oh yea, I even tried spraying the Grodan block where the stem meets the block with a 3% hydrogen peroxide/water solution to give the area more oxygen and hopefully prevent mold. The moldy pictures was the result of that test.

My current outdoor grow.


Thanks man!

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Is that growing in a wood pile?

Impressive bushes. Looks like you might not get out that door come stretch and bloom. :sunglasses: :metal:


Damn, those are some :evergreen_tree:!!

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Wow, that’s my kinda bush!! I’m still waiting for laws to change here, but that’s exactly how I’m gonna roll when they do. Lol, put a plant limit on me…that’s cool. I only need 4 and watch me pull 7lbs off of each.


Upraised bed one and a half door high side rails constructed out of Hardwood maple logs with holes dug down 3 plus foot deep filled in with my soil mix I cook.With the logs the mushrooms love that soil the real Secret sauce is with the Basalt powder and Malted 2 row barley with EWC and Fulvic a buttload of it mixed with some silica

ive had a pretty good clone success rate throughout the years (im guessing 90% success) by just cutting and planting in a roto rooter planted in soil or a 4x4 cube in ebb and flow. in soil id keep wet and in ebb and flow id run flood and id get roots, kinda slower then the other methods iirc but it has a higher success rate

i dont think you need anything fancy to root clones

just try taking one cutting and planting it in wet soil or a roto rooter in a cube tray and be sure to keep wet, sure to get some success!


That’s what I have, 4 plants. My second outdoor grow. So far better than last year’s grow. They a little over 6 foot tall now.


Very nice back alleyway patch my fave spot

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Are you going to get a screen of some sort on them or you going El Naturale. Bushes that size are gonna have massive colas, I’d be afraid to not have some type of support.

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That’s the type of grow medium I want evolve into. I use Bog’s soil mix for my indoor grow. Outdoor is just soil I’ve treated with soil conditioner, blood and bone meal. i want to get into a renewing grow medium with wworms and such, My kowledge just isn’t there.


I can point you in a very good direction using a modified version of Coots mix with Berger BMG and some simple amendments .I use nothing but Dr earth amendments and these two with some good ECW basalt and some malted 2 row will get you in the drivers seat I am damn near a Dr Earth ambassador I could not speak more on all the microbes they add it’s amazing very good mycelium booster.Bonus tip if you cook your soil water down with plenty of fulvic speeds up the chelating a couple days from the two week cooking time and breaks down your amendments

Once they start getting top heavy I’ll use stakes to keep them up and supported. I have a lot of stakes from last year and from when I grew in the early 2000’s.

I’m gonna try and throw a tarp over them when it rains so the cola’s don’t get wet. I’m afraid of mold when the cola’s get big. Last year I had one plant that got huge colas and they all got mold.

I had a problewm with septoria last year. I’ve tried to overcome it but I’m afraid of that problem coming back.

I had to cut my grow last year before I wanted to because it was getting too cold out. They survived about 2-3 frosts, but like I said I lost the large cola’s, and I cut them before the trichomes were milky looking.

I planted these earlier than last year and everything is progressing well ahead of last year. I also bought two strains that are supposed to grow well in the New England area. I’m outside Washington DC, but the best I could find was strains that do well in New England area.

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