Please Help! Overwatered? Cal Mag?

Thanks everyone… I’ll start that journal once they get back on track.

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as lefthand said if you suspect overwatering then do as he said…

From the images though that looks dry when you dig a finger in at the base of the plant when is it moist ?

Also sure when they are young they dont need much water saying that your gonna get alot of evaporation in those 5Gal when only watering 500ml, which happens how often ? and coco perlite mixes need to be watered more often in comparison to straight coco especially say a 50/50 mix

Also how close are the lights, happen to be able to get a measurement even with a not so accurate phone lux app ?


I would love to see an experiment where someone grows 2 of the same in everything but the watering one is kept watered normally. And the other is watered when it drops a little. I’m wondering if that is done for several weeks. Untill the final growth when it’s watered as normal. Will the stress cause the plant to grow more and deeper roots in search of water.

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I’d let her dry out mostly as well as dim/raise the light. What are the temps like? Wondering if it’s partially to do with the lack of radiant heat from the LEDs as well. It does not look bad at all. Try each step individually and see which seems to tidy up the issue. Best advice I can give atm. I too am growing in koko as well

Dry periods are just as important as wet imho in coco at least.

So 500 ml was more of a guesstimate, and I just went out and measured and it was closer to 1k - 1200 mil, every day. The medium is somewhat moist just below surface level, but feels somewhat heavy towards the bottom. Lights have been 30 in over the pots, at 75%. Temps have been around 70-75.

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In my opinion temps of 70 are too low under LED. If you can get the temps to be 75 at minimum that would be better.

What’s your humidity like?

Try to get a lux reading like Mr. sparkle mentioned.

If you don’t have a lux meter you can try to use a phone app.

On android there is one called Photone that will give you an estimate. Take a measurement right above the plants.

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Looks overwatered to me. Make sure the soil drys out before watering each time. You can’t overwater all at once just to often.

Overwatering stunts roots and is more stress than underwater. Underwater is not ideal but is always the safer choice.

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