Please Help! Overwatered? Cal Mag?

Got lots of conflicting info on reddit, was directed here by another user. Anyways, trying to diagnose wtf is going on with my plants. All prior successful grows were photoperiod, in soil. Switched to coco/perlite and autos for this run.

Medium is 50/50 coco/perlite. Jack’s 321 at 80%. Mars Hydro FC-4800 at 75%. PLants are 2 weeks old in 5 gallon pots.

My suspicion is I overwatered, and I just want to make sure.


Welcome to OG.
what I’ve always done to check off over watering as an issue, is to pay attention as I water them, as once I see a bit of run off coming from the pots, I stop the flow.
I find it pretty hard to over water in your medium mix, to be honest.


Hello, welcome to OG

Are you measuring the pH of your irrigation solution?

Sometimes pH fluctuations can cause problems with the leaves.


hard to over water in a 5050 mix of coco and perlite. it’s more than likely ph if your not in the correct range. 5.8 to 6.0 and make sure to check your runoff.


Get ready for more conflicting info :joy::+1:

You’re not saturating the 5g pots right? Because if so that’s a lot of water for such a tiny thing.


I adjust the ph going in, have not tested soil. There has been no runoff, since they are young and in 5 gallon pots. I have read not to water autos like photos (initially) because autos go in their final pot and will not have the root structure at first to take on enough water where there would be runoff. But again,I am new to autos and coco.


I’ve been giving 500 ml

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They really don’t look too bad



why not just run hempy buckets if you’re going this route? you’re a prime candidate.

I am new to growing but maybe it’s just building a lot of roots right now because of its pot size and the coco media, could be pH as others have said but I also agree they don’t look too bad! :grinning: Watering to runoff and taking pH could also give you some insight


What can I say, I’ve seen great results. Also picked up Autopots and this seems to be the preferred medium. We shall see!


Great to hear. I always bug out and assume the worst.

Thanks everyone.


It’s natural to make a little bit of a fuss.

Best of luck.


Yes, ph always 5.8-6.0


Honestly, looks fine to me. Some plants are bit finicky coming out of the gate.

Right now, you’re that parent that has a 3-yr old on a leash. Let that lil fucker run, let the kid skin its knees or bust its lip open on the slide :rofl::wink: lol jk!! But yeah, just let em ride, they’ll perk up when they generate more foliage.


Okay, so don’t tear it all down and start over in a fit of rage and confusion? That was going to be my next step :joy:


Some days I want to throw the whole tent in the dumpster. Onward!


Plants don’t look bad but they are a little behind for 2 weeks.

@lefthandseeds uses coco and has used a lot of jacks. Maybe he can chime in with some “best practices” :slight_smile:

One thing to consider is that full strength light is intended for healthy plants. If yours are having problems it’s a good idea to dim/raise it up and slowly reintroduce the light as they recover.

Good luck with the plants dude. Consider starting a journal here after taking a look around and invite some coco growers to follow along.


Also tagging @Mr.Sparkle here as he also grows a ton of plants in coco and if I’m not mistaken is experimenting with Jacks.

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:+1: this is what I would say. Developed plants don’t get overwatered, but young plants in large pots are still easy to overwater.

If you suspect overwatering, the safest thing to do is not water more, and wait until they droop. When I say droop, I mean the whole plant starts to lose turgidity. At that point, you can water them again and they should bounce back easily. Much easier to correct a drought than a flood.

Don’t soak the pots either. Just give them enough to wet where the roots are. Let the dry coco wick away the moisture and the plant roots will chase it.