Plumber's Buds

New to the forum. Grower/breeder working on setting a purple pheno of GDP. F4 so far and just finished a Freak Genitics offering of Sarsparilla, GMO Cookies x Pure Michigan F2 seed run. Grew 6 plants, 1 male, 2 fertilized females and 3 virgins. The 3 single girls are dried and bagged and starting the curing process. Smells delish. I’m now processing the 2 seeded girls and looks like 9000 +/- seeds. A good haul for a$100 seed investment and a killer strain to grow and play with. Crossed it with my GDP for a Pappa’s Grape Soda. We’ll see😉

I grow outdoors and in greenhouses in pots of coco and soil. The coco gets Master Blend nutes and soil all kinds of amendments from composted horse manure, dirty chicken straw, to table scraps and weeds to compost tea.

Today I injected 4 plants with silver nitrate. A Blueberry Hash Plant that itself is a clone of an S1. A Cherry Wine hemp clone with 18% CBD and 0.3 THC. I make a sauve 50/50 THC/CBD that works great and 2 clones of Freak Genitics Sarsparilla. I used an Aloe vera leaf on the stab wounds. Hope it helps and can’t see it hurting.


Welcome to the club and hope your purple pheno project pays off.


I had no idea you can inject silver nitrate for reversal.

Interesting projects :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome plumber socal, and good luck!


I was reading about injecting recently, but there wasn’t a lot of encouraging follow-up. Have you done this before? If so, please give us the deets!


Welcome to OG @PlumberSoCal!


Welcome to OG my friend, very interesting stuff, Been looking at Freaks stuff for a long while, he really does great work. Looking forward to the results


Welcome to OG @PlumberSoCal! Looking forward to following your grow :grinning::fire::+1:


Welcome to OG, @PlumberSoCal!! I’ll be following along!


Many thanks for all the welcomes. Someday I hope to figure out how to post pictures and show ya all what I’m doing/working on.

I read a thread about seed shucking using dry ice. Makes sense to me as I’ve ran dry ice through my bags several times and it seems it would make short work of seed collection. I’ve got several ounces of seeded Sarsparilla and I’m a bit tired of finger hash so I’m gonna give it a go by this weekend if not sooner.

No change of the c. Silver injected plants and I certainly don’t expect any this soon but keeping a close eye.

I planted 4 Tropicana Punch fem seeds and 2 popped and I transplanted into half gallon pots of coco. Love watching them develop, always. I have another dozen fem seeds of different strains that I may grow this fall/winter. I can grow all year long in San Diego County. I use to think they wouldn’t survive with our couple days of mild freezing temps but I’ve had no problems and now grow year long.

I’ve got over a dozen clones of several different strains awaiting roots and transplanting. Getting 70+% of the clones this warm summer. I made a box frame on top of a 20 gallon plastic container, wrapped it in plastic and use it as a cloner and seed popper. Works great when it’s cold as I add 2 100 watt aquarium heaters. It acts like a mini heated greenhouse and I usually have a higher success rate with the clones. Crazy I know but it works. I had built it help keep my small (6x9’) greenhouse warm in the winter, which it helps but it excels at keeping seedlings and clones warm.

I’ll try to update a couple times a week as things change here often and quickly.

Happy Growing!

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Using dry ice could damage or rupture the genetic material within the seed.

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Si, certainly possible but many keep them long term in a freezer and a quick shake of 20-30 seconds is about all it would take. I’ll give it a go this weekend and then put a dozen seeds between wet paper towels.

Hash weekend! Been a bit. I have about 14 grams of kief a friend in Oregon sent me that I plan on pressing so this will be a nice treat.

It’s weird as this is the first fall in a few year I don’t know what to grow. I’ve got several projects from a GDP x Magnum auto cross getting 90% autos at F2 with back crossing. Both the GDP and Sarsparilla seeds I just finished or a dozen fem seeds of different strains. I do have 20 clones taken 2 weeks ago that will require space but maybe I just need to take a break and grow those fems and enjoy some new smoke. Knowing me I’ll have to take cuts of all and then run out of room. Story of every growers life.

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Been a few days. I got 10 of 10 seed pop from the dry ice shucked seeds and they were in the bag for almost 2 minutes then in a tray with smaller ice pieces until those dissipated. No worse for wear and I’ll use this method in the future as needed. Shucked seeds and made some nice dark hash. Total win/win. Decided against growing them out. I got plenty going on.

Still no pollen on the 4 colloidal silver injected girls (2 Sarsparilla, 1 BBHP & 1 Hemp, all older clones). Thinking of injecting again as seeing hairs on stems above injection sites.

I’ve got 5 Cherry Wine hemp plants in 2.5g pots of coco between 3-5’ tall all in flower. I’ll process and add to coconut oil. I’ve smoked it and it tastes good but easier to take in cap form or baked goods and makes a great sauve mixed with THC.

Still only have the 2 Tropicana Punch fems in half gal nursery pots about a month old, 2 hemp, 2 BBHP & 1 GDP newer clones in solo cups and I think I’m gonna keep it that way for a bit. I’ve still got another 10 clones rooted that I may or may not plant other then the a Mother’s Milk or two. Love this stuff and would like to keep this one going and plant seeds Oct/Nov for a winter seed run.

Hurricane Hillary is heading up the coast from Mexico and we may get hit with strong winds and flooding rain this weekend. We’ll see.

I’m off to care for the tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, hot and sweet, watermelons & pumpkins and several herbs.


Hilary hurricane update. Nothing but gray overcast skies with a lite steady rain all day Sunday. There were breaks in the rain earlier but it was steady since 11am or so. Overnight was more of the same and watered all garden and potted plants around the yard.

Today is still overcast but no rain and little expected as Hilary continues North and into Idaho. The deserts to the East and NE of the Pacific Trail, Anza Borrego and Mojave Desert got hammered but here in North County San Diego just lite rain for 2 days, no big deal especially after the dozen plus atmospheric rivers we experienced this past spring.

Since all the fear mongering I didn’t schedule any work and I’m taking the day off. I just put 30 grams of Sarsparilla into a toaster oven at about 255F. Contrary to popular belief toster ovens work better than a normal kitchen oven to decarboxylate both THC & CBD to infuse into oil as their smaller size, hence smaller warming area helps keep them at a steady temperature during cooking and they have a much quicker initial warm up to a set temperature.

I don’t really have a choice as my wife doesn’t want the smell in our home and I agree and keep a second hand toaster oven in the garage. It’s where I dry and cure as well as store bud so it works well for us.

I currently have a nice Hamilton Beach model on my patio table with the aforementioned 30 grams of Sarsparilla and it just dinged alerting me that it’s done and ready for some hot coconut oil.

To infuse the THC/CBD into the oil I use 1gm of decarbed flower to 1oz of coconut oil or butter in a canning jar with a loose fitting lid and cook in a Crock Pot for three hours. I do this in small batches of 8-12 oz/gms at a time as I had a large jar break and make a mess so small batches.

Once infused I strain out the plant material in a coffee French press. Works really well. The oil can easily be used in cooking recipes or put into caps or made into gummies and taken as needed/wanted. A cap or gummy this strong from a dispensary would cost $5-10 easy.

I also use coconut oil to make a sauve 50/50 with CBD extract, bee wax, EVOO, vitamin E and tapioca starch. Our doctor told us last week a recent study he had read had shown a 3-1 THC to CBD combination was working well for diabetic foot and leg pain which my wife suffers.

For years my go to medicine was a THC alcohol tincture but lawmakers changed rules and I can no longer get 90 proof. Even the famous 151 Rum isn’t available here today so caps and gummies it is.

Been blazing both Sarsparilla and Blueberry Hashplant from the bong so it’s been a great day so far! Time to roll one up 'cause today it’s 4:20 ALL DAY!