poems and lyrics thread

writing poems is fun ill post one to start off with…please add yours if you feel like it

i havent a name for this one yet but i usually name poems…

from infants in upbringing till teens from old or elders we are taught
it is the money and success in life with a net to be chased n caught

million dollar happiness will be the goal set and itself the cause of the rat race
then a man in Forbes richest list, keeps on running, chased a $5 note off a vertical mountain face

will it be thought oh what a waste this man, an accomplished richest class then given a toast
he ate dinner with 7 types of knives and forks was a classism model respected and envied yet came from old money he had no woes
he also built his empire himself not given coin from rich family yet he is dead fell down a cliff sad but will he cop a roast?
personally i would rather chase perfect waves all over any consistent swell producing oceans coasts

in wronging that tune and attitude, i needed coin made in drifter moments of hedonistic benders off Australian or foreign coastline travel, partying and lifestyle shaped adventures
like actually having a rhino crop on a vertical cliff face narrow ledge
my indoor multiple stages setup, many seeds and more cuttings, way too many to bloom that cliff turns them into heavy denseness
small nugs rock hard and sticky icky, slow to chop up small buds weighing heavy fill screen holes to the edges
spreading branches sideways so buds in trellis holes tips reach for light vertically like property hedges

from the back looks like a rave, packed in dancers,every punters arms straight up,not many rest
there is a chill out room with deep house, maybe minimal techno to lounge, with xtc please use a kit to test
if everyone’s safe as fuck no attitude some twisted minds,cool people, talented dancers are the best
busting out, munted ravers murdered by strong pingers their spirit soars, others got stoned and bent

the arms look like an even canopy of green and brown, scrogs produces high yeilds weighing in, in dried harvests
production of 5 gram to 1 ounce buds maybe more not likely less
below a screen of a trellis guiding multiple branches sideways north south east and west
screens of a trellis majority of holes then will have a bud or two this isnt a no brainer yet is easyness
a tip goes in most holes, big yield harvests in this method to be weighed dry you are now not pennyless

how is that to end up chasing the same way of the rat race to profit on a steep cliff narrow ledge with edge not fenced
watered and then harvested 1am to 4 am no light the cliff drop might have some dire consequence
and how ones hedonistic ways the methods travel costs are to be reached are to be fetched

t’was nothing compared to what was in a den, a basement OG learning horticulture operations
perfect humidity same low temperatures no heat all year in this situation
so easy to clone easy to pop seeds to be growing in the stages of vegetation

separate flowering room till harvest days even handled above 40 degree heat waves the den was holding 4 aces
pools dipped in everywhere but the den handled it cool as can be,perpetual system weekly harvests grow station with room yet no tap or basin
…a lottery ticket won by being born into a family who bought here into a teenage deviate grower living in one of growings perfect locations

got carried away with cutting clones and my gf telling her friends the stories
no need for good or bad reputations thanks but no need for the honour,infamy nor the glory
needed more bulk buying to be telling then journals notes and memories vision truthfully
sometimes it wasnt more and more product needed weekly
with too many counted in the rules the law limiting numbers wisely
with the fear the threat of punishing jail time legally,
potentially some close calls if remembering realistically

cops tried to scare the shit of me either deliberately,
maybe in a manner of a kind hearted warning from them to me,
or possibly being big bad meanies of hearts hating drifters earning half a buck easily
and illegally or cops could be looking into people like me so unkindly
choppers filled with cops following my travels in car or foot constantly
i possibly brought heat to every motherfucking other who partied a bit, just like me
and friendlies who dabbled a small bit, by mistake watched eyes on them,unkowingly

paranoia setting in thoughts traced, phones tapped and being mentally wired freaking out
my friends did not understand im aware of Forward Looking InfraReds in choppers seen here or there hanging about
flying all loud chopper blades and engines fly low over the roof, my well travelled car followed all around
me holding from panic and fear cops pull me over my poker face of a smile have a chat, one in wagon has a shout
"how is he?"had a chat at the window my poker face of a smile, “hes cool”,this window cop was not a grouch

told friends of authority surveillance techniques i would in a nervous word or 2 spout
thought choppers were buzzing over mums, my brothers, my own roof night and daily whether lights on or off or out
no fighting words been heard of loud violent actions nor our music played too loud
i do indeed doubt recently not from us any angry shout
even when for weeks the operations been out, no sales, no product stashed,no seeds held none hidden to pop and sprout

i did not give a shit really looking back retrospectively and hind-sightly
had me not till later realizing idealistically
the views of big brother watching either threatfully,warning fondly or unkindly

internet becoming the big intelligent sharing easy to learn to read,see ideas and the method mining
to be constantly creating ways daily weekly recording the progression tricks methods of the ways,easy to be sharing
the highest grams per watt, how to, what to do , how to be shaping planning and designing
in any small or large, any shaped room, even inside a computer tower the needs we all are recommending
with this low power high stealth system or scaled studies the needs of specific species of plants
and what they are wanting and for growth and results to be improving
such as different spectrum results far red ,UV studies ,and all sorts of alternatives like COBs canopy deeply penetrating
just one type of led and the intensities and many other other tested proven lighting

any place you choose ,or had, we gave an idea or rough sketching, in designing and to be growing weed in…
for indoor or outdoor results less guessing
more info given such as some desires of any strain needs a lot or no amount of phenotype genotype hunting,
specific breeds crosses or land-races are reviewed for others and you to be expecting
from chosen seeds or the heritage chosen parenting.
less questioning less wild guessing,a lottery ticket resulting in
the growers favour to be winning and maniacally excitedly grinning

or you lose - the seeds what a day waste of time waste of a few days pay,customs risks stealth postage prices are costing
now more patience in time many months waiting …
a few months electrical bills time and nutrients given all of it included and now counting
results are in the genes the cross the offspring seeds sold,unresearched parenting’s

crossed for quicker sales fast moving beans by the not true breeders but pollen chuckers needs
now -just time and money wasting beans from this runted low potency hay tasting, poo in a gene-pool attempted breed


dust to dust paste is rust

–oooops gone for good, deleted accidently
if only i could remake every poem any lyrics that regretfully
lost to copy paste they were polished and finished, well almost and nearly
gone yet wanted to be made again in its entirety
in the original written messages way
a blind drunk rant on a forgotten night,it is seen the next day
attempted to be turned into some sort of poetry
worked on for four or five hours then copy paste deletes it into some place, where?is the mystery
if this keeps on happening every day i will get deeper into a mind dark lost in mysery
no GPS nearby no lighting no pathway just banging into walls with writers block in the way
nothing left to write or say


There once was a man from Nantucket
Who sat on a bucket and said…


Dutch Master Breweries

i planned to make about seven or eight hundred stacks, new sled wednesday no later
the plan from the start was the idea that was incorrectly dated
mapped and sketched out not ending up a mental patient,

trash bag low in funds of what was to be banked for a design of craft to be bought
refined 5’10 twin keel not recieved not enough coin stored, liked the wide point forward
knew it straight away it could handle most places i found most spots i ever saw
anywhere in indo a one shape quiver any pit or wall up to 8 foot by just one board----- (bodyboard and step up brought here and indo just in case)
love at first sight this was what i really wanted had planned to save a shape adored
shaped n tested by Jim Banks so i need to make quick cash to buy and easily afford

               ( ^ on a 3 year mission between Timor and Aceh, he used it 90% of the time,)
          {in 12 months indo stay i used it 90% of the time untill a swallow corner snapped off} 

to glide through pits till bleeding or broken legrope while stuck inside close to becoming a rock spider, what a test
straight ahead looking east while crawling towards the west
some barrels breaking so perfectly staying open the exits clean if by some force that day was blessed…

Next week had a demo of the same design just a deposit to the rep distributer living nearby
storm of a decade was forming swell from long before and looking good for the boards real tests and trial

first stop millers before dawn, hadnt been here since showing roos and koalas to an ex euro girlfriend
the swell way too big for this location,dredging dry at least 6 maybe 8 foot heaving pits that snap necks, life spent
barrels with lips landing on bare rocks i do remember them
even in this surf spots virtual wave pools deepest part or the deepest end
who came with me a fellow surfer named Ben who was hungry so maccas around a few more bends

next stop a possibility not remembered sussing potential years ago, till later some memories did respond
of early days exploring the area back then held a future looking forward to discover any wave not frowned upon
Setups with potential of scoring anything lesser known, the travel dollars earned working for qualitron
came here as a young adult exploring its surrounds on a day the swell was the size of a pond
this day we checked a few spots, so close togethor, one was out at sea looked like nsw’s version of north shores pipeline really turning on
a bodysurfer swimming into 15 footer waves with balls of steel, without a board an heroic attitude not at all vacant or gone
yet pros had about seven or more jetskis outside many are waiting for days when this bomboras holding wide throwing photogenic breaking bombs

a few fat boring spots situated right in front, no thankyou. Worth a walk maybe an hour to a good possibility
just as we get going are joined by another two surfees thinking of the same break the same destiny
yet on the way i see a little walking track looking hardly trodden on recently
what a sight a pointbreak inside reef is straight offshore everything looking right to me
what happens about three bodyboarders are out there waiting already
didnt take long one gets two x three second barrels on one wave in a row i just remember he had hair of a blondie

i say a joke of “bloody boooogie booooorders” while Ben chuckles knowing i am one at heart
am a boogie woogie and also standing craft kind of guy, just like any solo act or any solo art
the demo had been prewaxed by someone else. i didnt even know where to place my feet or where to apply weight of any sort.
just guessed well wax is there, thats where the placement is, with this new reworked shape, for this kind of board
a little nervous was kinda heaving at low tide just getting out into the lineup, to focus told myself a word
“right now are perfect pitting waves, we all wanted, we waited for, are here now,” staying in my thoughts

With the other two we all get a few Ben gets a solid one that from the lip drops straight flat out
into the bowl from memory he got blasted completely, held down for about ten seconds count

then the blondie paddles past and says a few things about the old spots i surfed back then
said i havent surfed there in a while but i remember them,

it might be good there some day of this swell maybe
by the way how is Paul Isles going? a face of unkowing expressed, so i said everyone calls him Glowy.
straight away he knew and filled in the blanks the other surfers realized i was too a boogie woogie
and it was them, by me being made fun of as “anti oogie boogies”

either that or they just disliked me for getting into different forms of surf craft
not just sticking with the 1920 version of a timber surf life saving row boat raft

anyway what a day the board was gliding great on its backhand even had to slow down drag the hand to get a few tubes
we all had pits while the rising tide made it easier to make the takeoff, respect that this spot earns unto
deeper and deeper the attempts are well due
we got some then sideshore chop arrived from the south the quality ruined from the winds that get stronger to blow and to brew

Ben and i shared a six pack of beer guess the brand, when right in front we didnt care about the crinkle cut chip looking ocean
i said the end section changes colour in the barrel,bringing an idea and a notion

we will call this spot Heineken Point straight from hollands most well known full malted lager
hope the name is to be kept the same just by Ben, myself ,Ben and Me for many years later
Other surfers may have another name for this break or others in this area
not many know of those, even less will know how to get here
not any body asking which path what suburb is HP’s located near?

when only two people know of the name and only one or two more, in trust of the owners mouth,location shared in one ear
decoys given in a name applied to a surf spot right now right here
the quality was around all morning just 10 minutes ago dissapeared
a shallow yet soft spongey reef, no slices copped not a break for blood to sheer
the colour of the end mossy green covers layered here and all over there
the barrels coloured green too, reminiscent of a tinted glass bottle of one tasty dutch beer

Looking out my window and to what my wondering eyes should appear a car without a tail pipe and a rabbit without an ear😁

     CFK or Hard to find easy to catch..mot sure which name to use.

We had an idea togethor
to become large factory farmers
we will lose all faith in karma
and breed australian koalas
im sure in some parts of china
they will love our deep fried koalas

chinese fried Koalas, hard to find easy to catch. CFK= KFC backwards.

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Don Juan was a hoax

A track by offspring describes too much of myself
occasional small to big doses of primo top shelf
not packing up every morning not even every night
fortnightly weekend benders into working days not feeling right

pot n hash not to blame, more peyote and mescaline
it all seemed to stay too long in my bodies system
almost permanent effects dissapearing with a blue valium
in large doses every party or trip to the snow
other nights plowing into a few greedy bags of pride,the uncut blow

Hearing non ageing voices talk a mile away who seemed known
it seemed to my friends a life was getting blown
so realistic in my own mind
yet to 20 psychs eyes which to me were plain blind
a sickness that didnt seem a thing to me as comfy and kind

friends saw it as if i was… completely deranged
being called schizo to me,was at first offensive and strange
yet i had intuition, six or seven senses hearing long range

physically impossible was what each psych outlaid
getting harder to become regularly paid
a few kids knew and nicknamed me “the hearing aid”

yet in each hearing and ear was proven in tests
minuscule and so faint noises or sound was scored best
higher than grades of any class,hobby or interest
sounds not heard by the populations rest

not liked by most of the people who heard about my score
a diagnosis of shizotypal/ affective or schizophreniform
after some deeper thought i had clearer metaphor

psych’s say just disorganizational schizophrenia
i argued with our western drug war stereotyping culture

Also with 1 dimensional western medical education
knowing more then the experienced native Americans
to myself t’was just becoming a mid level spirit hearing shaman
Yet seen by strangers as some evil crazy demon

Will things become better or worse and how will it bend?
predictions are often wrong so will not know till then
The only solution is clean up an act and go on the mend
Will give it a crack if it heals & releaves any valued friend

Tom Tom Beats

When the whole picture is not seen,
Chinese whispers spread like margarine,
By those who are not Chinese,
nor speak Mandarin or Cantonese.

I’m a walkin down the road
carryin my heavy load
of chicken manure
it really stinks, that’s for sure.
and the people on their way
hold their nose and say
Man you really put a stink on today.

Then i know for sure
get rid of that manure!
Who will come and take my manure away?
No one raised a hand
the stink I could no longer stand.
Guess I have to find my own way.

Took that shit to the woods
where I know it would do some good
spread around the roots of trees
then i took a chance
the trees sang and danced
acumpanied with birds and bees.

We sang songs
and you can sing along
feeling the breeze on my face
it’s all one big thing
altogelther we swing
my, what a wonderful place.
then a phone rings
ending such things
slowly come tumbling down
from the sky to the Earth
another rebirth.

As for the chicken sack
it just fell off my back
and we’re feeling mighty fine
Feeling oh so good
like we know we would
doing it a little better each time.

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Midnight Lawnmower Men

Midnight is the perfect time to mow an old bosses lawn
he treated us like pawns
so till 4 am we loudly mow his lawns

hear a fail 5-0’s on our tail
we need to bail cause the cops
wanna lock us up n nail us in jail

Wait a bit the coast seems clear
we have a think and the idea
all the boys have balls with no fear
so at 5 am we reappear

then till sunrise before dawn
we continue mowing an old bosses lawns

We whipper snip, we trim the hedges
with loud petrol powered engines
all around the dickheads edges

if the prick does not wake up soon
we call him on the telephone
reminding him he is not alone
in his main pride and joy,
in his own house and home

the old boss was a prick all year,all hour and every day
i am glad our TAFE teachers told us it was that way
“avoid that cunt he taxes your pay
keeps it for himself”
so employees get endighted on tax return day

the crazy fatso thought Edison was king
yet he wasn’t aware of Tesla dicovering
in electrics almost everything

The rookies worked hard while elders slept
newbies took the wrap of the lazy supervisers rest
the boss yelled why hasn’t much work been done or set
we kept quiet to cover backs of work mates caught in a net

this is how things work in business
being shy, quiet or gullible will
end with failing the bosses tests
Just like the parasite he is, a true aggro pest

if a rookie does something ignorantly
instead of treated like not holding any brain activity
shyly words did not tell or ask confidently
the right way in this case is obviously
shining light to correct ideas or roads for instance
this is the path for better performance
also has the very least resistance

(seems like an electrician business owner would have figured this out by himself if he didnt pump tren in his own damn skin- heavy steroid use yet still a fat bastard???)

The fat boss had no respect for others
yet could not tell the difference
between Australian safe or deadly spiders

cutting the bosses grass has been done
the risk was high yet the reward was fun
the “blank” will know who is to be shunned
an obese psycho not friendly young ones
who surf a lot so very fit and handsome
and well tanned from the sun

We need to get rid of pricks like Bill
who Never pays On Schedule
if work is finishing on all sites
he fires the rookies before 3 month trials in sight
This was his plan yet quite a few crew
worth a shot, won 16 grand each in unfair dismissal sue.

im not done but i am finished
i want to screw with my hated
before i perish.

Mike Cross
The Lord will provide.

Big ol Buzzard sitting on a fence, watchin them chickens play
He’s sitting with his best friend ol’
Chicken Hawk, Chicken Hawk jump up and say, "
Why don’t we invite us a chicken home for supper today?"
And the Buzzard looks at him with a baleful eye,
takes a few seconds 'fore he give a reply,
turn his neck nearly all the way around,
points to the sky and he says with a frown,
The Lord’ll provide, yes the Lord’ll provide,
just be patient brother and the Lord’ll provide."
Chicken Hawk says but I’m hungry,
my stomach startin to rumble like a train,
He spies a fat chicken in the barn yard,
Chicken Hawk jumps up and screams,
" I hear the Lord helps them who helps themselves my friend."
The Lord’ll provide, yes the Lord’ll provide",
that’s all brother Buzzard said “the Lord’ll provide.”
Chicken Hawk starts to chasing chickens,
chickens start to squawking and run,
the farmer comes out of the farmhouse,
farmer got a BIG shotgun,
the farmer he blows that Chicken Hawk to kingdom come.
And the Buzzard looks at him with a baleful eye,
takes a few seconds 'fore he give a reply,
turn his neck nearly all the way around,
and he loks at the Chicken Hawk laying on the ground,
The Lord’ll provide, yes the Lord’ll provide",
that’s all brother Buzzard said “the Lord’ll provide.
" Yes the Lord’ll provide children, you know,
the Lord’ll provide, and that’s what Brother Buzzard, "
The Lord’ll provide”…

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Tom tom beats on the street

When the whole picture is not seen,
Chinese whispers spread like margarine,
By those who are not Chinese,
nor speak Mandarin or Cantonese.

the roll of lifes role models

was a bad influence in parts of lifes stroll.
asking dumb questions’s & comments sometimes a troll
consistently inconsistent at everything in the world
due to too much free time and no self control.

im a dreamer, am i the only one?

some movements trying to end narrow mind ridiculing views to bring respect and exceptance
in some illegal closed off warehouse beats and tunes to groove to by jumping over a closed off fence

love n hugs shared the fun loving punters caring for any and every other gatherer partied till sore needed rest
in the bush huge field hidden by trees in the thousands tents
at some bush doof out in the forest party ravers on x or acid sometimes in excess
the music was twisted with mixed harmonies spiritual and the beats soft or pump so intense
showed us how peace and love could make sense,

that old school warehouse rave party rolling of the 90’s attitude could be learned looked fondly upon
could be an idea and world wide view for us it had shone,
ravers nurses anyone with training looking after any possible O.Ding scenario with no cons
they do it with their care, xtc not likely to be dieing on
in bush doofs or raves we dropped acid or e’s and shared joy not any dropping destructive bombs

… while hearing each others outside ideas and concepts no one held against any other kind, not even of any homos
rarely seen thought of in hatred ways,not feared excepted, understood if the chat is not your tune, move on, to you its chereo

the human races way the future people oppinions being on talk show stations to become known
the mixed ideas maybe no borders needed not marked, no fees to be owed
no visas for anyone crossing the line to a different nation on their own,
no problem not in jail locked after into it thrown

the mixed races on the horizons not being boom doom and gloom.
not even any need for military, no snipers with sights n scopes aimed nor zoomed
no military with good natured love care and togetherness inspired by good tunes
in a world wide of one human race a multicultural tolerant races loving attitudes

, the whole wide world no borders, boundaries or crime no forbidden lines known
no hatred felt no bombs no guns no arrows aimed at stranger cultures by a string and bow

in doofs you hear the sounds in your ears the mixing melodies,the crowds cheers,
the music sounding so beautiful so energizing so loud and clear

you party on feeling devine till the mornings sun is on the rise… last night punters of any size
create and bust some moves sidewinders anythings alright,
while feeling n moving to the beats and sounds rhythem wise
to the tunes what an event had by fellow ravers ears and eyes

earth without humour, fun had like in raves and clubs, if there is some missed elements
in a mistake like Nazi or Rome empires and histories wars where loved peoples lives end,
it could become way more heated,more intense
thrown back to nazi romper stomper ideals… a likely jail or grave filling sentence

Orwell’s novel “1984” seems more likely these days to be a prediction not fiction
the cameras everywhere the invasion of homes computers and all this friction
ending in tight bounded living restrictions.

Look back at the 60’ and 70’s hippy guru era the music the mentality and the 90’s had something alike
rebels and fun lovers dancers and punters wanted to create something unique and raves were a lucky strike

some of the profound ideas words and care shared could make every country love eachother
not even needing e’s or acid just the ideas the fun the vibes of good music beats and melodies for techno and dance tunes purism lovers
the spirits souring ideas of caring and profound philosophies could have future of humans and animals plants and life on earth- safely covered.

In memory of “Steve Stitches”

bailing out pulling back is for chargers like you not an option but to escape and avoid
where you were sent in by a bomb set yet without your will,
unharmed while washing over slippery slime,barnacles,
oyster shells shallow rocks, and all kinds of evil
is easy to get past when anyone has the many years you have of the paths in memory
of any rock or shell from your first day onwards is held onto still
huge iq mind wise the methods and experiences.

situations like these to novices or those newly into surfing scene
even for some regularly at it, skilled who started long ago who perform with style, charge with intensity
would be a painful time for a few weeks or months, a long time felt punishment like a jail sentencing

A hospital visiting stay given stitching for lacerations of long, multiple amounts differing lengths,we see
i could be still now counting the amount of stitches not even adding them up in slightly way nor slowly
In the end meeting hot horny nurses would make it all worth it for me.

Also i’d guess that would be making it happy days for Steve
200 stitches in his early day wipeouts,reef run ins, needles strung skin together
with some form of string. no pain felt just peace good times and ease
also his given name,called forever “stitches” its his it is he’s
always was and will always be

the best moment i remember was him getting pulled over by Ben the bully cop
then stitches wrote Ben off, Stitches drove away
with Stitches finger stuck up showing ben where to put it
and in a not to be publicly said or published, sort of did point to and say
and some words on the drive while skids of tyres pathing shown, rolling and burning away
stitches did not give a fuck if you are an authority
He does it his way its his life his choices dont argue
or end up forever avoiding him if you want to live closer to…
a safe lifespan, a lifespans expected final year, expectedly being about you…
life lived or not to be lived by anyone of his own enemies or some other few.
my mates are his mates my enemies are his too

Skog 1 most valued player mvp riff extended 2.50 minutes

two suggested verses
verse 1 surfing metaphors (as in metaphors to different approaches to CS2)
verse 2 for psyching up in first person shooters kind of attitude

timestamp 0:26- 0:42

Beach-break surfers surf on impulse
Reef-break surfers act with punches
Point Break surfers think down the line
and we are smarter than all of them combined

timestamp 1.09 to 1.27

we didnt start this war you fark head
we wont serve time no death sentence

you started this war you fark head
now suffer the consequences


timestamp 0:25 to 0:43
Beachbreak surfers surf on impulse
reefbreak surfers act with punches
pointbreak surfers think down the line…
and we are smarter than all of them combined

1:09 to 1:27
We didnt start this war you *** head
we wont get punished no death sentence
You started this war you ** head
now suffer the consequences

yoyo strings angles of life

i have seen some good times and bad times in a life ive been served
lived in a bamboo hut in a paradise jungle edged by perfect waves we surfed
also bush living homelessly alone, only canned food to eat and survive,
the bad feeling of getting turfed out still wanting to find a way to happiness in life
also lived richer lifestyles in bigger dense or smokey fast living cities happily near strife

common places for weekend or mid week raging party or three
could meet honeys if having fun and dressed stylishly

epiphanies we discover what really matters seems profound
and ideas likely reoccurring to those who think deeply
such as times like these hating hatred is self contradictory.
on all sides there is some narrow minded views some are for real,most just being funny
on all sides there is some views to be debated like intolerance and bigotry
on all sides of life all corners of the globe are different attitudes to sexuality

met a couple of homosexuals being hetero-sexist, intolerant of breeders as an angry gay man threw his purse
yet homo-phobics are common and seem like a majority in most of the worlds inner parts and outskirts
there is no need to hate anything different to us,to not grow love the same as a gay or lesbians heart… or how their mind works
to me these attitudes to anothers different love and lifestyles and private life is a curse
some like it that way others are trying to end the violence & intolerance yet could make it worse.