Pollen Question

How many times does one need to pollenate a female with male pollen in order to make her grow seeds? Any chance that one time is enough? I ask because I am growing an Indaca plant this year and I only pollenated it once on two or three bud sites. The other plants growing are like the mother which is Sativa dominant. Or is it more likely genetics drift from one of the grand parents? Thanks!


If the pollen is viable, one time is enough.
But if pollen is not viable, then no matters how many times you try.


If the pollen is good, once is enough. When applying by hand, I usually apply several times as the pollen becomes available.

Pistils turn brown within minutes to hours from being pollinated. You can continue pollinating as long as there are green pistils. Every green pistil represents a seed you won’t get.

Recently, I’ve started noticing that some plants will stop pushing out pistils once they reach some internal acceptable number of fertilizations. I don’t know if that’s common or rare or always happens. Just that I recently noticed. Some people recommend you separate males and don’t pollinate until flowering is well underway. The thought is that production drops dramatically once the plant is fertilized.


If you’re saying you have flowering males mixed with flowering females, it’s safe to say that everything has been pollinated with everything. If not, expand on the question and I’ll answer if I know.


Male was kept seperate from females and the female that I pallonated was by hand (Qtip). I only applied it to about 3 bud sites. Pistols I think were white in early flower.


Yeah I’m sure you’ll get loads of seeds.

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The cross was Gelato (male) with Cinex (female). The other seeds I popped have the Cinex traits but one of the seeds put out a very dark green looking Indica plant.

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Never pollinated anything twice, once is all it takes. It’s fun, too!

I have pollinated the same female with two different males and strains, though. Wrap the plant in plastic, except the Bud you wish to pollinate, dust it, leave for a few hours spray with water, then unwrap.

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What were the males and how did they turn out?

Okay, so the question was about traits. This is presumably an F1 cross, so my understanding (someone will correct me if I’m wrong) is that a large percentage should be a blend between mom and dad, then phenos leaning towards each of mom and dad. So if you grow out 10 you should have an idea what to expect.

The next generation, however, will have expressions from all the way back down the tree of life. If you grow enough seeds, you should find something special.

The female was an S2 if that matters. Male unknown.

Probably. Maybe not, I don’t know. But if it was good to smoke, it’s worth throwing pollen on to find out.

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I’d say one time is enough if you caught the female when she was ready. If you did it too early and don’t see signs of a successful pollination then you will have to try again. Good luck!

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