Pollinate immobile plants indoors, Tips?

These are the plants to be pollinated, one branch per plant, i have the male growing in a separate location. How would you do it? I have a exhaust that exhaust outside the building.

The best i can come up with after doing “some” research is, wait until week 3 of flower, collect the pollen from the male into a breathable paper bag, bring the bag to the female room, turn all the fans off and lights down, carefully paint brush the pollen onto the one female branch, wait (?) hours, spray down the pollinated branch with water to kill the pollen.

I don’t really understand how i could turn the wall fans and exhaust fan off for so long, without reeking up my spot, and having humidity and heat spike. Also the other thing i’d want to do is cover the plant getting pollinated with a tarp so no pollen gets on the wrong flowers accidentally, but wouldn’t that cause too much humidity on the flowers, and damage 'em a little? Thanks for reading my scattered thoughts!


I just did it a couple nights ago with Sour Bubble pollen from @DougDawson just took a paint brush, hit some lowers without any air going around, waited 35 minutes on the dot(went to the gym) then sprayed it down with water.

Next day, all the hairs had turned color and receded a bit. Marked the branches I hit. Lowers right next to those are still pearly whites. :peace_symbol:


wow you just made my day, topic closed haha! i’m doing exactly that, hells yea, i’m hitting a guerilla fume male to a old soul, forbidden fruit and two guerilla fume females

i wish i kept all the males. thanks a million!


Yeah, hope it turns out well for ya!

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I did the same but with a qtip. And if the plants are small enough, you can put a trash bag over the whole plant, cut a small hole for the branch you want to pollinate to poke through, and hit that up. Leave it for 30 mins and then spray down with water and remove trash bags.


Conversely, spray the whole plant with water except for the one branch you want pollinated and then pollinate quickly before the plants dry. If you are worried about having a random stray seed here or there, you can wait 30 minutes after pollination and spray the dry branch with water.


here’s a (kershaw) curveball, my guerilla fume male that’s outside has powdery mildew, so if i collect the pollen from it, i’m pretty sure some PM is also going to get collected and dumped onto my indoor females?

i don’t think that’s good, now i really don’t want to do it, that’s one thing i’ve never seen in my indoor is PM and i don’t think i want it at all, what do y’all think?

every single weed plant i’ve ever seen outside here had PM, i tried neem oil and green cure but it comes back hard every time, should i try eradicating it with sulfur or just not do it?

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