Poorly treated plant

I had to keep this clone, my red hot cookies, in the garage at ~100f for a few weeks. Then i had a week without power after moving it inside. I’ve lost most of my cuts of others strain kept with them…same issues but on smaller plants that didn’t last as long.

I think it’s root rot, but I am not sure. It doesn’t really want to eat/drink much. The only plant that made it drinks pretty heavily all the time (Acapulco Gold BC1, it’s a champ)

temp is 78f now and humidity is 50 to 70pct depending on if the AC is on or not.

Anything I can do? I was thinking of just taking a cutting of remaining shoots and maybe i can get a new set of roots?

thanks for the help.


I wouldn’t take a cut from an unhealthy plant icon_e_confused|nullxnull, maybe you should trim all the bad looking branches and leaves, transplant it to a bigger pot covering the nude stem so it will throw new roots, that way you can also check if roots are healthy … beer3|nullxnull


I totally agree with our friend @George

Even loosen up the roots at transplanting


Do the roots smell bad?

If they do I would risk taking cuts. If they don’t I would strip everything dead and let it be.

But as stated above it is not the preferred route but sometimes you do what you need to do.


not smelly, but the bottom of the root ball, the part where the water in hempy bucket sits, is a bit darker than i like. i can’t tell if its the coco washed in from the solocup.


I had something similar happen. Aside from the abused part, it looks healthy to me. I snipped off the top several (healthy) inches and treated it exactly like a clone. It rooted just fine.


I too agree with George. I had the same with some mothers that went thru heat, wet, dry. I trimmed/cleaned them up and now the tops are very healthy and happy and I have taken cuttings now.

:green_heart: :seedling:


do you think it is worth taking a single cutting, just in case…each day has been a bit for worse. it’s been on a decline for about 4 weeks at least, but got a lot worse after having no light for a week.

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I would take one cutting of the plant; that way, there’s two chances of saving it, just in case one fails to survive.


Agreed. I would take a cut from that main top, looks decent. Then also try to nurse the plant back to health. Water very conservatively, but don’t let her dry out. Small shots at first right around the stem but not on it, then a little away from center of the roots, then once she starts moving a bit more water, resume normal watering. Saved more plants than I will admit like this.


i took two snips last night. one from the bottom and one from the middle. It is wilting from the bottom up it seems, so if it continues, I will take the top too. Unfortunately, this cut doesn’t like to clone…it’s usually a lot work/attempts to get it to root up.


Yeah I’ve seen that before. I would take cuts too.
Hopefully they root :pray: I don’t think the plant will recover when it’s like that. That’s how I lost my StarShine male.


a week with no light is apparently a killer.

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Personally if i’m worried about losing a plant and want to try to hold onto i clone and hope they take.


well, it’s time for an update…because i got back my red hot cookies cut. its the one on the right with all the roots.

Thanks everyone and especially @navy66 for getting me to take those initial cuts. the rest of the plant deteriorated over the last week. so, i ended up just chopping it up what remained into cuts to see if any would make it. i may get another cut of it to root, but into a solo this one goes.


Took me more than two minutes to find out what was shown in that pic :sweat_smile:, much luck in your recovery … beer3|nullxnull

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thank you. it still needs to take to the medium and do a bit of growing, but it might be ok after all.


you must’ve done a good job taking the cuts! :slight_smile: i’m glad it worked out for ya, friend.

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