Popping seeds question

If it start to smell bad, i directly throw it in the garden personally. Never a good sign.

Now for seeds, no matter the method i’m using, i change daily their bed/water/solution. And after two weeks, it’s just the decision to deal directly with the extracted embryos or to say goodbye (most of the time).


i just squeezed both seeds. there was a small pop sound and it looked like it opened up a tiny bit at the tip. i put them immediately into the seed starter. then, i just set more seeds in paper towels. i put the last of the santa marta chocolope and put two of the widow bomb monsters into the paper towel setup. the WBMs got smashed some in the mail. a few were powder. so, if i had trouble these should be it.

Pop them in some soil and forget about them. I soak in water with some hydrogen peroxide for a day and then right into soil. I get very good resukts

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no soil. sterile.

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How about a rock wool cube or jiffy pellet? Both better options than paper towel in my experience for popping beans that need more time. I find I get way more beans that dampen off in paper towel as opposed to a pre soak in water with added h202 then straight into a medium or cubes. For really hard beans to crack add some gibberellic acid to the mix as a first step. Pre soak in GA3 and water for a day and then into water with added H202, then I like to go into a medium amended with mycorrhizae to help the new seed out when it cracks.


the method wasn’t in question. tried and true. it works…well. no experiments needed.

i simply asked what to do about a single seed or two out of 12 that doesn’t pop.

Cool, and I gave you a couple examples of what to do with hard to pop beans when the paper towel method doesn’t work. Same techniques used in old beans. I never said paper towel doesn’t work but those seeds that aren’t popping would do better with GA3 and a medium as sometimes they can take weeks to pop and unless you change your paper towel every couple days and handle the seeds they don’t have a chance, that’s why I recommend a medium to set it and forget it. Just trying to help. oh and paper towels are from from sterille once you add water, they become a breeding ground for moulds.


got it. thanks. the reason i do it this way is due to timing. i can react quickly to a seed not germing. i only do one of each type of seed. in soil or something less revealing, to get a full run it can take a month if things don’t go smoothly.
1 of the seeds could be damaged. the other was a freebie…so, who knows.

This is why I use fresh seeds

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Too bad you’re missing out on the good old school stuff.


i don’t really understand the condescending and arrogant tone here. 10/12 is success and better than any seed bank will ever suggest you should have. 70% is the natural rate.

no one asked as to how to prevent it from happening…i just wanted know what to do after the fact. a different method is not a solution to my question.

as of now, the only seeds that aren’t popping are very fresh. i tried a second seed of it and nothing again.

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Have you used up all the words you know yet? There’s got to be a few left.



@pharmerfil @HeadyBearAdventures

thanks dudes.
so, cracking worked. as you can see the shell is the likely culprit. it still doesn’t want to release. i have not seen anything on the other seed i cracked. i put two more into papertowels. it’s been 3 days now on those and nothing. i just put two more into paper towels and one into to a cup of water. maybe one will pop. i also put in some seeds from other strains and sources in case it doesn’t pan out.

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Did you give em a scuff, or some other kind of treatment this time?
Glad you got one to come up! When I get helmet heads, I use an eye dropper to put a single drop on the shell and leave it for a while. When I come back I open the helmet gently off the leaves.
Obviously not right away, but if it looks like it won’t do it on its own.
Some folks use tweezers, and some mist the shell a few times, but the concept is the same: moisten, soften, remove.


I use a heat mat when soaking and when they are in the medium or in my case Jiffy pellets to keep the roots warm.

it’s on a temp controlled tent. 79f.

i actually just got the second one to surface after planting. the cracking the seed and plant immediately technique after failing in the paper towel worked.

Ok but I still use a mat to keep the water warm, the glass is like a heat sink and even a warm ambient temp isnt enough. I also start with warm water.

what? i’m not really using water like that. the only time i used a heat mat i lost a bunch of germed beans that died due to heat. i can control the tent temp really well and then just put into a cereal box or paper bag.

Oh sorry mate I thought you soaked your seeds.

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i have tried that. i actually put a seed in water today, lol, as an alternative for just in case…but the original seed seems to have sprouted after cracking it.