Tough nut to crack

Hey everyone! First of all I would like to say thank-you for being an amazing group or people. I have a bunch of seeds here, some are BCGA and we’re testers Vic high and my buddy did together, I also have old seeds from sensi and greenhouse/Mr Nice seeds. They seem to have very thick hard shells. I’m after trying several methods an so far not 1 has cracked. I looking for a very experienced grower with tips and tricks or someone who might like to give it a go thekselves


I think the best thing to do is scarify. If that isn’t enough, sand down the hulls until it is or crack manually. If you soak in water with a splash of H2O2, then they won’t sink. You can just leave them in a shot glass on a heat mat until they finally open up. If you’ve already tried all of that and it didn’t work, then maybe your seeds aren’t viable for some reason.


Any hawiaain snow , I’ll try and pop them if you like : )

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No Hawaiian is something I don’t have, didn’t really go after the more pure sativa due to my limited season


Manually cracking the seeds from pole to pole can help as long as you don’t accidentally crush them. I had a bunch of Uzbekistan that wouldn’t pop and I used a seed cracker on them and they all germed. Some people use their teeth or other tools, whatever gets the job done.


Adjustable pliers? Place seed in them and turn the adjustable thread a tiny bit yo get a crack?


Ok well I’m not confident in the steadiness of my hand to risk the genetics that I want to get going. Some of these, besides my buddy I got them from, may be the only seeds remaining for some

Me , I shave of the outer seed varnish off with a razor blade , giving ridges an extra go , then straight to nice airey wet soil , extremely fluffed up and under dome ( no soakin in glass ) so seed a absorbs what it needs ( negative presure ) rather than in shot glass they are forced to take on maybe the most / Max they can , within in the positive presure in glass of water ( no controll , unless useing h202 method @lefthandseeds mentioned )


Here’s a recent addition to the seed germination saga

I’m going to give his method a try as I have a supply of fresh EWC.
I sure can’t argue with his results :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



Hawaiian Snow was one of the strains I used to breed Frankenstein. It’s an amazing strain!

edit… off-topic lol sorry. If you’re worried about ‘too much’ on the nutcracker, don’t use it. Just follow what I told you and you’ll be fine. Them babies aren’t that old yet.


Yes @JohnnyPotseed was deffo my fav back in the day : )
Love your germing topic , very nice : )


If you get to the “end of your rope”, fed up to the point of frustration, s-t-o-p, take a deep breath and start again. Believe me they’ll crack. I’ve gotten 35+ year old seed to germinate!!! Keep at it, it’ll happen, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: Before you toss 'em, PM me!!!


I’m out of the loop, what is this Frankenstein?

It’s a blend I did over 20 yrs ago of a total 8 strains
White Russian
White Rhino
Sour Diesel
Hawaiian Snow
Back bred into White Russian and Sour D to strengthen those phenos and added Maui Wowie to the mix.
3&1/2 years total time then another year or so to get it breeding true. You NEVER become inured or immune!


That sounds sweet, I got a white Russian X (peak19 x AK47) I don’t even know what those would be like

20 -27% and has tested a bit higher, when I really take care of it lol

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never again!! would I ever put myself through that! I can do single, 2 and 3 strain crosses in my sleep lol but that was a pure nightmare to keep up with!
Picture a couple of very big rooms with literally thousands of red solo cups…all labeled and logged, then another couple rooms with all the vegging clones and seedlings, and another big room with the budding cycle going on… you get the idea?

edit… put it like this lol the wife was telling me to move a cot into the grow rooms since I was never with her! She even went back to college and got a couple more diplomas she was that bored with me…


Oh wow! The sacrifices that people like you and the people before you made to bring us this wonderful spiritual, medicinal, physical, mental, and ecological wonder.


BUT, my friend… it was damn well worth it!!
We smoke it daily, and have for the 20 years it’s been with us. Also my family and friends… it ALWAYS performs!


Sorry, @Xianpreservation83 I didn’t mean to ‘hijack’ your thread, but you asked! lol And I’m very proud of Frankenstein, so don’t get me started! :rofl: :rofl: :sunglasses: :+1: