I know everyone is familiar with this little guy
but just so you are aware the forum accepts HTML code and counts it towards the character limit, so you can always fill up the remainder with random HTML like this instead of a bunch of periods of words to fill up space. I’ll post a blank post afterwards to show what i mean!
<!-- 20 characters! --> OR <type=20 characters> OR <a href=20 characters>
I dont see how it helps make a quality discussion. All it does is make people add unnecessary junk to a post - or go to a whole lot of extra trouble when all they want to do is say OK, or Alright, or I can do that. or I agree or or or or or.
Sometimes all you want to say is something like “LITFA”. Adding more chars is trouble you dont need to go through.
All it does for me cause irritation and waste my time.
Just to expand on this subject - there are any number of times a short response is the correct response and the one that will make for a better discussion. A simple acknowledgement (ok, thanks, sure, etc etc) is a valuable, and very important part of any conversation.
Also, there are any number of times a “Like” is not the correct or best response a post. Some times I dont like a post at all, but I still want to respond with just a short comment - “No”, or “Maybe”, or “Im not sure about that”, or, or, or.
I should reply lol. There is a few things that are killing forums. Our platform addresses those concerns. Our admin has a clear path for the future of this site.