Please ignore the cash on the table. I just simply forgot to put it away. Cannabis cup is here soon. I was just seeing if I had enough to get a kit.
Great shot!
My little Beastie girls are growing up just fine. But I am a bit concerned because because I am in Illinois. I feel like I should be prepared for a really freezing at night.
What sort of container are you using there Potsy? Some sort of cloth pot?
Menards had on sale for a dollar each these shelf Cube container bags. It’s a fine layer of fabric with a piece of cardboard sandwich between. I usually don’t use the bottom. I punch it through holes. They’ve held up pretty good in the past. This is my first time just using the yellow ones.
Baahh please see above for response. Stoner moment
very nice plants look outstanding
love your doggy
Hey @Potsy , you obviously give your plants a lot of love.
OMG! Is your grow space your living space??? That would be a dream. Where I am we have to keep it hidden away. It really takes away from the whole experience.
You’re doing great for a beginner @Potsy.
Looking great!!
Picture of my Lebanese landrace gifted by @DiggySoze
Welcome back.
That Lebanese is looking very happy.
Nice to see you again!
It looks like you’re going to have a nice harvest