Shiiit! OK never use sulfuric acid, and I’ll explain why. Once you spray that acid, it doesn’t go anywhere. Drip some acid and water on the floor? Later, you’ll be stepping in puddles of strong acid. IT fucked the colony and never use it OK? it’s not going to work out. Don’t dilute it and don’t spray it. Don’t use it. You have been warned!
Next I’ll do hydrogen peroxide and a bonus one, hydrochloric acid. I’m doing the acid one because I want to compare acid damage to the sulfuric acid! The peroxide one is just for kicks. I remember mixing my own peroxide up a strong solution and was like… hmm I should be able to clean the plants by submerging them in peroxide, right? wrong! I’m not sure it had any effect.
Copper is definitely no bueno too harsh best to use some sulpher in veg and JADAM sulpher sprays as an IPM and look for PM around the area of the garden weeks before spring plant and have area treated for at least two weeks.I had a peony that was covered in PM and some of the Plantain Major plants I ripped out and sprayed the area with sulpher.I don’t know if the PM on these plants jumps to cannabis but it’s the only PM plants that were around every bit of PM in the area is gone now.Plants have been defoliated of infected material being sprayed down first with Cease.Two sprays a day at 30 ml a gallon then I backed down to one spray every two days.PM has not further spread and is in remission plant is recovering nicely.This is one of the viable things I have seen that has wrecked the PM and splattered it’s guts all over the leaves.The PM was turned into water scale.This was used because you can’t use sulpher in flower as far as I am and has been one of the only viable options that worked.Peroxide is only a temporary solution good for bud washes with lemon juice and baking soda not so good at keeping the pm away.That shit will leave a footnote in your leaf tissue like a barb on a fishing hook.That’s why the PM keeps popping back if you didn’t burn it’s face off with sulpher.
That one spot was the most heavily covered in PM not so much as a spot now going on almost 2 weeks clean now.You have to be vigilant with the mist only thing that sucks but it’s keeping it knocked back.26 more days guys 26 more days
I’ll test the plantain for you. I’m like 99% certain that the mildew on plantains and peonies don’t grow on cannabis. I can’t test the peonies, because I don’t have that colony. I have the following colonies that I’m certain don’t affect cannabis: peas, wood aven, asters, comfrey and cucumbers/cucurbits. Next I’ll run the plantain.
Test is running! I’ll see the results in a couple of days. lol! This is how you do it without gene testing, and I think it’s even more effective.
You know, with the number of tests I’ve run there are certainties that I’ve generated. I should do the matrix and have a gander at which colonies are not related. The strange part about reality is you can determine lots of things that “it isn’t” leaving you with only a strange list of what is real. I’ll give you a glimpse of the nuts part of reality.
So I know that the mildew on wood aven and the mildew on the plantain are not the same species. I can determine if the mildew growing on the plantain is NOT the same species as the one growing on cannabis.
I know the species growing on pumpkins isn’t the same as the one on cannabis. So you see, even though I can never determine what it IS with those tests I can see what it’s NOT, leaving the only answers left that are possible. That’s how you determine what it really IS, by seeing what it’s definitely NOT.
That’s the philosophy of science for yah! Reality will turn you on your head!
Says there are 2 known species of PM that hit Plantain Major one is almost close to the Ambrosaie species of pm it almost looks like thier cousins
heh heh they’re definitely all cousins, those little fuckers. At a diagnostic level they are identical, even if considered a different species. An example is if there is some kind of mildew colony on the cucumbers, I know with 100% certainty no matter what that mildew is, it’s never going to infest the cannabis or peas. Pretty sure I know the reason why, but that’s hard to falsify without better equipment.
Still no pm here. I have plants this year planted in last years battleground. This years outdoor plants were never treated with sulfur. These plants came off the infected plants that were the first to meet the sulfur. So my pm was no way systemic. To be clear, clones were taken prior to use of sulfur. Another thing I used a backpack fogger in my grow lab instead of a traditional pump sprayer to apply sulfur. I had to buy one of those to save time spraying during the year fighting pm. The irony.
Picture is of divine gelato outside. She was one of the worse with the pm and by now would be covered in it. No signs of pm yet.
prior? That means you took the clones before you had treated the mother plants?
Yes. They should have been infected. But I fogged the whole grow lab. Clones were in the house. I started cloning in a separate building because of that stupid pm. Now it’s gone thank god.
Actually, that’s a really interesting story! So your mother plants were infested with mildew and you took some clones into the house and cloned them there, and they were mildew free?
Additional questions:
Did you do that on other years? What were the colonies like outdoors then?
Correct. Took clippings put in solo cups of water brought in house and cloned them. Brought them back to infected area after rooting and transplant. Ipm every week or close to it. Neem,kelp,h202. Same formula I have used forever. No pm yet. Have these inside and outside.
This is the first time ever having pm on pot. Been growing since 91
heh heh I got it back in like… 2003 or 2002 something like that. I got a clone from this guy who had mildew. I got rid of the mildew, but the guy who gave me the clone never got rid of the mildew ever. Took about 6 months to test all the bullshit solutions before someone told me to use sulfur. Just said grind up pellets or whatever and spray that on the plants twice in veg 2 weeks apart. The instructions were sketchy but I finished that shit off.
Didn’t start killing off the outside colonies until later. Once I got a handle on what mildew lived on what plant, I was ready to exterminate. It lived in the greenhouse for a decade on the cucumbers. I don’t even know where it had come from originally. It was so long ago. Once spring came around I just sprayed the greenhouse with sulfur then planted all the plants. The mildew never came back.
Yeah I am very careful in the garden. Took in a infected plant. Never again. Learned my lesson big time. But now I know how to beat it. Simplest thing to beat once you know. At least I got me a fogger out of the deal. Love that thing. It will help me to disperse some more sulfur on those parasites I see in my yard.
Yah, a really easily exterminated parasite! That’s why it’s so fascinating someone would insist that hydrogen peroxide or some other treatment that fails, actually works. I’ve had someone go on a rampage for days insisting dr zymes is gonna do it. Then, they take it personally when I tell them it’s not going to work and it’ll definitely fail. That’s messed up when people pin their whole identity on something you can prove wrong.
Then, they’ll insist sulfur won’t work. Go on a rampage for days how sulfur is going to fuck your world, without ever learning what the protocol is. If that’s really how the human mind works, then perhaps I AM just a computer program.
I do use peroxide in my IPM spray with the neem and it kept it invisible to my eye. But when the spraying stops and they have been in flower for a good 30 days it’s visible again. So it does something but does not eradicate it and that’s what needs to happen when you get infected with that crap.
You think that’s it? If someone can’t SEE it with their eyes it’s “gone”?
It takes 40 days from infestation until your eyes can see it. lol! That’s why I tell the LPs to scan their clones with UV light. You can’t SEE it unless it really glows in the dark.
I never do an IPM, you should have seen the look on those guys faces at the unicorn when I said that. It was like they just saw a ghost.