Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Tomorrow I’m going to do the final spray of sulfur! It’s been 2 weeks so it’s time to do the finishing move. Last time I got rid of it by spraying the greenhouse, but this year the calla lilies overwinter in the house and then go back outside. So it could potentially be hitching a ride there. You have to make sure you get it all! Pokémon style! mmm I can smell the sulfur already!


Got them all sprayed! This time I didn’t spray the plants that I don’t need to. I also did the kung pow on the mildew that was growing on the wild aster. I have a bit more left over, in case I forgot a few calla lilies or some shit. Gotta stock up on some more of that nutritious Canadian sulfur. Cheaper by the kilo! I should also get some aluminum sulfate. In case things take a turn for the worst in the garden.

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lol! Sometimes I come into this thread just to read and marvel. It’s hard to understand that in a decade the information I post in here should worm it’s way into the larger world. I fucking hope so. The thing about the mildew is this:
If you read my insane ramblings and understand it, mildew is your bitch.
If you read university articles about mildew, you’re mildew’s bitch.

That’s how I know I’m on the right track.


I want to make a shirt that says mildew is my bitch.


hah hah that’s a good idea! I should whip up another funny logo that says mildew is my bitch! hmmm my mind is swirling with the possibilities!

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I would encourage that my friend, if you make stickers or cards with that, I will buy some.

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I was out there taking photos of my handiwork with the calla lilies and a hummingbird showed up! Little bastard was fearless and let me snap multiple shots.


There you can see even the shitty little cannabis seedling took the sulfur dose like a champ. I didn’t spray it this time because there’s no need. The mildew colony that infests cannabis is not in the greenhouse or in the garden.

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That’s my first concept!


OK I have had to deal with PM once 5 plus years ago (?) and separating the issues of treating plants and genetics from sterilizing the grow area and possibly unused soils.
I have the genetics in a separate location not even on my property and thats a separate issue.
Last time I had PM and the borg I just said fuck it and trashed my tent and most of the reusable plastic pots, clone domes etc. I kept my light and fan and basically chucked all else. Probably a bit of overkill.
This time Id prefer to just sterilize the closet and tent and wash any other grow supplies.
So this is an issue that is not a organic vs chemical issue, I have Bonnide sulfur and have already sprayed bleach water the mom areas and other stuff and Bonide sulfur maybe up next to spray everything. I will be able to let the whole grow area sit empty for a few weeks at least.
Im worried about the mold spores and cant really find a confirmation of how long the spores live in statsis. I read that it can survive in soil which I still have stored in a few bags and cans in the garage but I think this came in on a suspect clone not the soil but Id like to treat the soil with an aggressive method to absolutely kill any spores. I hear UV lights work and I had a cheap UV light I used last time in the closet for days after the last go round.
My only concern is stink and fumes from the closet permeating the house but I still have the fan running to a external exhaust outside the house.
What do the pros use to 100% eradicate any residual spores in the environment and do the spores go into stasis ??
The cure for the sterilization of the space can be as strong or not as needed since any effects on the plants and future genetics are not a part of this issue. Short of burning the house down any ideas ??

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Yah spray all around where the plants grew, including the pots and stuff. Personally I just start the grow, and then wipe the mildew out on the host. There’s no need to clean up the ducting or something. The mildew is only on the plants and plant material. The mildew can’t spread 6 meters unaided, but can spread over .5 meters.
Are you growing indoors or out? What kind of situation are we talking about and I can come up with a method to finish it off.

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Wild aster is still mildew-free. I also have a radical test patch in front of the greenhouse where the plantains and err some other shit(wood aven) always get mildew infested. I’m wondering how long it takes, or if it happens at all, for the mildew to re-infest. I’m thinking I could start experimenting with it’s ability to spread.

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Sweeeeeeeetttt. Bitch ass mildew haha.

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oo interesting! Someone slipped a fresh seedling into the garden of a species that’s vulnerable to the mildew from the lilies. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. It’s growing in a mildew-free area, so it should be fine. Also, the mildew should be dead by now, I think I sprayed it all!


Here are the original mildew hosts! They’re doing really good this year… probably because the mildew is dead. All these areas would also be infested with diseased plant material.


hah hah I’m on the cusp of eradicating a thousand colonies. W00t w00t! It seems I even drop-kicked the mildew on the asters behind the greenhouse. So, it seems the sulfur treatment works on rhizomes as well! I’m super curious to know if the sulfur bath actually stimulates the immune response to mildew, considering the plant is already re-directing sulfur resources to battle it.


hah hah listen to this story. I was in the greenhouse doing some shit and someone arrived. They walk in and pick up a pot of sawdust. In there are two living host plants! Fuuck me, eh? Could have told me about that when I was eradicating the colony. Annnnyways! I’m going to hose them down with sulfur. Fuck the stupid colony little pricks. I’m… fairly? certain the colony hasn’t had a chance to replicate from there, yet.


Warm weather finally got here… in the form of a heat wave. Plants are loving it! Can’t detect any mildew.


ok Mildew sleuths! hah hah I have been out looking at the aster again. There was a plant covered in mildew by the fence, so I thought I’d run another scan on my victim.

Couldn’t see anything in visible light, so I switched to UV.

A few glowing things, that don’t resemble a mycelium network at all. I checked each individual glow on the screen there. Just some dust.


Odd looking things, but surely not mildew related? I’ll check in UV and see…

False alarm. Most likely plant waxes or some other non glowing substance.
It seems that the mildew isn’t re-infesting this plant, yet? Will it? Mildew is in full bloom on the plants here outside the greenhouse except where I used the agricultural sulfur and sprayed a huge patch of infested plants. Theoretically I can dig up a rhizome next year and not find mildew? hah hah we’ll see what unfolds.