Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Even faster if you just put the powder in a salt shaker and put it on dry. Though it takes more.

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Truth be told, that wont work to kill the mildew. The sulfur has to be mixed with water!


… Though I’ve noticed that in flower, powdered sulfur really thrashes pistils and should be rinsed off after a few days.

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Why’s that?


Well here were the microscopic observations. I’ve got photos as well if you want! I sprinkled some sulfur powder on the colony and then took a section of the leaf and put it under the microscope. The colony actually looked fine, until I put a couple drops of water on there. That’s when the colony started to melt like snow in the hot summer. It seems to form a layer of sulfur water that kind of flows around killing everything it touches. Becoming a blanket of death.


Wow you know what? I should re-do that one because I had just used my hand held camera for quick snaps. These days I could time lapse it and post it on you tube! I’ll have to go hunting for a colony I know it’s thriving around here somewhere.


Before water:


Before and after shots of some kind of perennial mildew. The sulfur dust was on there, but then after a single sprinkle of water it went from before to after. The replication pods are really dark, like dead, and the mycelium took a direct hit.
Edit: forgot the before shot, lol!


Scans are coming back clean on the wild aster this year. I spent some extra time bathing it and the area around it in sulfur. I was wondering if I can finish off the perennial version on the aster as well. Last year at this time, the plant I’m studying was infested.


I was thinking about what people out there in the world are learning about powdery mildew. I know like… PHds, Man! Freshly minted ones and old ones.
Here’s what they learn: powdery mildew is everywhere and it needs high humidity to start growing.
Here’s what I know: That’s a lie.
The problem is they have to learn that from some book and then have that as an answer or else they’re not getting a degree. Image you’re me and someone writes that on a chalk board in a classroom and I stand up and declare “that’s a lie and I can easily falsify it”…hmmm how well will that go over?
So in the real world I say “That’s a lie, and I can easily falsify it” hah hah how many phds said “oh really? Can you show me?” or… did they just pretend I didn’t say anything at all? Yah, the latter. I don’t have a degree in shit, and never claimed to. THEY are the ones suffering from logical fallacy “credentialism” where if it doesn’t say “DR MATTY” on my shirt, I’m not worthy.
OK you say. If it’s that easy to prove a phd wrong, how do you perform such a task? hah hah well I’m not proving a phd wrong, rather I’m falsifying something written in a book they read and believed.
Stage one: VPD is what triggers mildew growth. Falsify: Grow plants at 90% humidity.
Stage two: mildew is everywhere. OK so obviously, this one is untrue right from the start. Using logic I can deduce that “everywhere” is specific. So there’s mildew on everything just waiting to hatch at high humidity. 1) not only does that fail to happen in stage one 2) I cannot locate mildew anywhere in my grow with 2000X magnification and ultraviolet radiation.
So that’s 2x falsification of the statement. How many times do you need to falsify for it to be incorrect? A single time. Once… and I can do it twice. Not looking good.
OK you say. In a single day, with a single microscope, you can disprove everything agriculture phds know about mildew. THAT’S WHY I DO MY OWN RESEARCH!


I’ve worked with a lot of PhDs in the past 20 years, and most of them are average intelligence, I.e. they memorized a lot of shit and don’t have room left for critical thinking. Some of them are dumb as a box of rocks and just infuriating when you’re trying to help them get familiar with the codebase or a keyboard and mouse.

But every once in awhile I’ve had the pleasure of working with the truly brilliant. People so smart, you want to get close so you can feel the glory. :latin_cross: In case you were wondering, I fall into the average category too if I’m lucky. :woozy_face:


hah hah well I’m at least as clever as a monkey. I’m doing the sulfur powder, vs sulfur powder and water. Seems the water really disperses the sulfur particles around. Then it gets all over everything! After the water dries up, I’ll see what’s left. Then I’ll post the video! Oh damn! I also should have got an ultra violet before and after. I want to see if it stops glowing as soon as it dies, or a while afterwards?


That’s a good test. If you do it, I’ll certainly be wondering how it goes.


Woah the strangest part is the dividing line between where the water touched it and where it’s still dry. The dry patches are like islands of survival for the mildew. It’s nuts! I think I should leave it another half hour though for the water to completely evaporate. lol! I have so many water drying videos.


OK it’s probably going to be an hour before pooh tube finishes the video. You can see the colony getting fucked up by the sulfur water.

The images speak for themselves.


hah hah it stinks like sulfur in here now. Motherfucker. I think it’s almost been two weeks, so soon I’ll go into the garden and spray the plants that get the powdery mildew on the cucumbers again. That should finish it off once and for all… again. Hopefully no more wal mart plants ffs.
On the other hand a cold snap killed off a couple of the zucchini plants. I will still spray them in case the mildew can survive that somehow. When it comes to biosecurity you don’t fuck around, or else you’ll definitely find out.


There’s the video! you can pause it to view things it’s in time lapse so shit can happen pretty quick. In reality that was about 50min of time lapse in 2:50sec.


That’s pretty quick.


This the right stuff?


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That’ll work, but you will need to grind it up. works great to acidify the soil in that form, though.


This is the stuff and it’s pretty cheap. https://a.co/d/02ZnnZkJ

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