Preserving a watermelon with wodka, *burp*, I mean, preserving the Drunken Watermelon!

I’m not revegging it. It’s been harvested and when harvesting I noticed developing tiny seeds and a couple wilted nanners on the lower flowers so I’m just letting her ride it out and see if she gives me one or a few viable seeds for later planting. It’s a mephisto strain that was prone to runting and nanners but the flavor when it grew the way it should was amazing, so that’s why I’m giving her a shot at seed formation.

Nothing alive is in any of my fridges.

Revegging plants and cuttings are all under the quantum board at 20/4, along with 3 auto’s of which 2 are mid to finish bloom and one is the samsquanch.

I’m leaving it where it is. Most seeds are fucked as far as development goes, but at least one is seemingly developing and the plant is STILL pushing white pistils out toward the bottom of that flowerbud.

The name, I think mephisto genetics took from Bubbles’ name for Sasquatch in Trailer Park Boys.

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correction: the cough sizzurp has 4 arms left with nothing but leaves, all buds removed except a few hard to reach calyxes.

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Good luck. Tag me if you see some signs of growth.

@Upstate growth has been happening on the Cough Sizzurp F1, it was quick to recover.

The Drunken Watermelon cuttings and plant are a whole other story. After seeing the cuttings brown up, shrivel and dry out further and further, and one of them producing mold spores, I decided to toss them. None showed roots except for the mold sporulating one, so I buried that cutting again and sprayed the top and topsoil with Flying Skull to combat the mold. I wasn’t very careful yanking them out as I did not expect one to have made roots, so I hold little hopes for the cuttings.

The plant is basically the same story as the cuttings. It has it’s roots of course, but it’s top is not doing jack shit aside from browning out and slowly drying. There’s still some green matter on 1 arm so I’m still giving it a fighting chance but it’s looking awful grim.

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Is that San Pedro?

Trichocereus scopulicola. I have 2 more outside and 1 that I’ve had in a cool and dark place for probably about a year. That one I dug out cause it was suffering a lot of dark spots in bad weather mostly, which can spread to the others, so I took it out of the shared pot to avoid having the others infected.

I’ll probably share the cactus with my wife one day. Come to think of it, I think I should mention to her that I can easily prepare that one for our consumption, as I doubt she’s aware I was meaning to in the future.

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Ahh, very similar. But only from Bolivia I see?
Not as many psychedelic compounds though.
And only found in the outer layer, weird.
That’s cool man!

Don’t think it’s only found in the outer layer; afaik it’s extinct in the wild, eaten by a colony of wild or feral goats since they didn’t have the spines protecting them. Goats be trippin!

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