Promix mycorrhizal inoculant - šŸ†“ sample

Wonder what it costs to makeā€¦ :thinking:


less than the packaging probably, but hey they have an easy payment planā€¦but with a 200% increase in weight and triple the trichromes, essential oils literally give a vapour hit when buds are handledā€¦ why not invest? Likeā€¦who could have ever grown shit without it??? I still just wanna smell it, to see if it has that way past shelf-life aroma to itā€¦pass the ice creamā€¦mmm

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Iā€™m wondering about brewing it in tea, or possibly growing out on agar to multiply it? Treat it just like fungi, innoculate agar, transfer to either sterile grain or a pasteurized compost/manure mix, let it colonize, then just put the colonized material in the bottom of your transplant hole. Could be done really easily.


I imagine if you used barley, youd also get the benefit of that. But I figure putting a colony in the bottom of a bag/pot or mixing it with your media would work as well (as long as there is enough nutrients)


Found this:



@Gpaw thanks again I got mine yesterday


Received mine today also ,) Yayyy. Lets grow more of it.

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My sample finally made it. For whoever was concerned about the packaging referencing the contents? The sample was mailed from Canada, and the customs form declares it as ā€œ1 env samples promix mycā€.


Reading this makes me think starting a small no till pot thats been innoculated, then transferring some of that soil when you plant your cannabis might be the way to multiply it easily.


Can it be so easy? @SerialSquishy

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Iā€™m likely going to do this.


Same here. I have space on a shelf for a 4" tall pot. It says the top 3" is where the majority of it forms. So im thinking .5" perlite, thin layer of activated charcoal, then a 20% mix of potting soil to manure. Mix in maybe 1-2 tbs of mycco mix and then top with no till cover crop. At 4 months it should be at peak capacity and ready to use.chop the plants and into the compost bin, chop the roots and soil and use that to innoculate my new soil. Sounds super easy to me.


Not sure if I did this correctly :thinking:but I put a tbsp of this stuff in the first 3 inches of my tiny auto sprouts. Will be about 4 months till its finished, so Iā€™m guessing that it will be fully formed by then and I can take the root ball and toss it into my soil pail to ā€œseedā€ the rest of my pail.


I think so? Lol. Iā€™m still learning.

I read for 10 years before I ever sprouted a seed, now Iā€™ve grown for 10 years and I am still learning every day. I really like the idea of no till with mycco colonization like this and cover crop. You crazy no-till cats might be onto somethingā€¦ here Iā€™ve been adding my mycco stuff to my teas for YEARSā€¦ I will say mammoth P responds well to being brewed. And a handful of dry alfalfa and hay (Iā€™ve even used discarded dry fan leaves) shows more diversity in your tea under a microscope if your trying to brew it. Same with great white, oreganismXL, and soil balance pro.

The mammoth p and SBP are the 2 best I have tried so far IMO. Best terpenes and overall plant health.


Thinking about it more, my guess would be to innoculate and plant cover crop, trimming it down as needed.

Let it grow for 2.5 months, at that point plant a seed in a solo cup. In 2 more weeks transplant into the colonized cover cropped container. That paper says that the healthiest colonies are found at the 3 month mark, but disturbing them slows them a bit.

As you veg for the next 4-6 weeks the mycorhyzzials are going to be hitting the peak of benefitting and colonizing your plantā€™s roots the most before flower with that network of fungi and bacterial colonies.

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What if the trap plant was also your ground cover?


Exactly! Thats what Iā€™m thinking

The trap plant can be the actual cannabis plant yes? Doesnā€™t need to cover crop? I mean it needs new roots to breed so why not?


If you had a long enough veg cycle. But different plants in the cover crop replace different nutrients I believe, which might make for a broader range of species

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Got my ā€œmost expensive bag of microbes in the whole worldā€.

It may be fun to run a test with two clones of the same plant to compare and see it with, and without.

It wonā€™t really matter as I would never be able to justify the cost no matter what it does. I suppose a large commercial grow op might be able to justify the cost if the extra yield was there. Grow on! peace