Vegabom’s no-test clone purchase

So I decided to take a chance on the wild side and ordered clones. No test provided for plant disease. These 2 will be in a tent by themselves. There is a dj short blueberry , and an alien og. Both clones were shipped in good packaging. Im gonna call this day 1


Nice find! :+1:
I would like to grow out a blueberry 🫐!


Sometimes you just gotta raw dog it


That’s my mindset of thinking. I wanted to have a decent blueberry to enjoy, definitely worth a chance I was willing to take.

I have some OG gear goin from seed also for the “ just - in - case” happens


Sun clone is where I bought these.I’m prolly gonna dust a branch with pollen when the time comes, I can send u a puck of beans if u like!


ALRIGHTY THEN. as jim carey would say. in for the long haul and ant wait to see that alien og at week 9 flower


I would not mind growing those clones out. I think they look :eyes: really good :blush:! Hope you get some nice seeds from the dusting to share. I would be interested. Good luck with your grow and I will watching. :ok_hand::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::star_struck::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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one week update: it looks like they are adjusting to the new home, I took some clips of my buddy’s outdoor plants the same day these clones arrived, so the other picture is from a clipping 7 days ago.


Well guys, sure enough like a kid in a candy store, I couldn’t just leave things alone. I bent the blueberry over to let it bush out and tried doing the same to the Alien og but her head ripped clean off, I’m gonna try to clone it, we shall see in 7-10 days if she roots.


Those are the growing gods trying to tell you something… :grin: better to just top imo

Always had trouble cloning small tops, unless you have a cloner, then it’s pretty simple…

Interested to see what flower blueberry has to offer…


It ended up turning into party, the beans I won off this awsome website are now in this tent. (Blue Kush, Sweet n Sour Cindy, platinum ice and a pondo pine tester. The

dj short blueberry is starting to take off, the Alien og is recovering, the top that broke was limp the next day but she perked up little bit today,



I was rained out from work today, so as usual, gonna have to mess with something! So I cloned the blueberry also, I made a “ Vega - instant clones on the fly. Always recycle my friends


@kon you are right bout the Alien og. I tried to clone the top that broke off, it didn’t take. The 2 mail order

clones are doing fine, just chugging along. I will clone these 2 this weekend and once they root, flipping the lights to 12 on-off.


The Dj short blueberry took with the new and improved “ Vegabom’s Auto Cloner. “ pretty much came up with this on the fly, it keeps perfect moisture.


I ended up transplanting the clones to these auto buckets, it keeps the soil at the right moisture. I feel like most plants that I ever grew started with good living soil.


sweet. that blueberry stem rub should be pretty loud by now also how you liking it? alien og just likes it rough and wanted to be topped


They looking nice and healthy… Will @Sun-Clone be vindicated? I think so…


I think sun clone did a good job, I wouldn’t be afraid to order again, the stem rub smells nice. Both look very much healthy. I have some BOG gear in there also. The fan leaves on this Sweet n Sour Cindy is unreal.

I haven’t had a decent blueberry it seems like for a while, I am very excited and wanted to switch to 12-12 but wife says not yet!


I dig the DIY SIPs, how much water do they hold in the bottom? I grow my autos in earthboxes but always felt it was a little too much soil for one auto but two in the box gets a little crowded.

Edit: I should say some strains still get huge in the EBs though so I have been sticking with the full sized EB for them, it just feels like a waste when I get a smaller plant in one lol.

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