PSA - With the cold of late watch out for low RH in your tent

it was only an insult if you chose it to be insulting. read it again. it was a compliment. maybe read the first comment first for context. except for anyone who chooses to become a traitor, since i took an oath and it does not expire. it also doesn’t involve taking up arms any longer, something some veterans seem to forget, along with the “foreign and domestic” part of the oath. i don’t take lightly to those sorts of actions, and those who perpetrate them or call for them. i also like that politics are mostly absent from this site, and that is as close as i will come to introducing them. i apologize if it comes too close for your comfort. no shades of grey there, for me at least.


All good, for sure amigo. Politics do not put me off. I am not political in any way. I root for humans, not ‘sides’. I root for people ‘feeling’ uncomfortable inside, cuz then they have to think. Thinking has gone the way of the do do bird. it’s all reacting now, with very little thought involved for many.

We can’t do politics here, cuz it just messes with the positive vibrations.

Nothing wrong with having a place that has no political affiliation, and leaves that shit on the street when they enter the house.


That’s a strong word. I wouldn’t bandy it around so easily.

Why? Because I owe you my allegiance? And if I don’t give it I’m the enemy? Hard to get more divisive than that.


Let’s not forget we barely survived the 1970s ice age.

“The Earth’s Cooling Climate,” Science News, November 15, 1969.
•“Colder Winters Held Dawn of New Ice Age,” Washington Post, January 11, 1970.
• “Science: Another Ice Age?” Time Magazine, June 24, 1974
.• “The Ice Age Cometh!” Science News, March 1, 1975.• “The Cooling World,” Newsweek, April 28, 1975.
• “Scientists Ask Why World Climate is Changing; Major Cooling May Be Ahead,” New York Times, May 21, 1975.
• “In the Grip of a New Ice Age?” International Wildlife July-August, 1975.
• “A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable,” New York Times, September 14, 1975.
• “Variations in the Earth’s Orbit, Pacemaker of the Ice Ages,” Science magazine, December 10, 1976.

“The evidence in support of these predictions [global cooling] has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.” The Cooling World“A study release last month by two NOAA scientists that the amount of sunshine reaching the ground in the continental U.S. diminished by 1.3% between 1964 and 1972.” The Cooling World“Telltale signs are everywhere…the thickness of the pack ice…the southward migration of warmth-loving creatures like the armadillo…” Another Ice Age?“Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7 degrees.” Another Ice Age?“The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind,” The Ice Age Cometh!

1970s ralphs: we’re going to die frozen
1970s normal people: naw, I think it’s cyclical
Ralphs: no you fucking moron, the gov never lies

2020s ralphs: we’re going to die by fire
2020s normal people: naw, I think it’s cyclical
Ralphs: no you fucking anti Semitic, transphobic, capitalist climate denier!!! By recycling my iPhone boxes I savezzzz the woldźzz

Pretty arrogant of humans to think their insignificant habits can alter the mind boggingly massive planet.

As an experiment, fill your tub with ice cold water and rub your hands in it until the water boils. Don’t forget to update me on how it went.


I would just tell them it’s the same reason why we have spring,winter & summer. During the summer it’ll be to hot and if you survive that the cold will get you in the winter. It’s not really hard to understand. Lol

I regularly have humidity in the low teens in summer and love it.
High humidity sucks in flower I strive to keep it below 30% in the winter.
Bugs and rot thrive in humidity.
Botrytis cinerea is a ubiquitous fungus that causes disease on twigs, leaves, blossoms, and fruit in areas with prolonged wet and cool conditions.

:sweat_smile: First off, let’s get into definitions, we cannot really discuss a topic if everyone has a differing interpretation of the glossary of terms used: The term “Global Warming” is strictly defined as warming of the earth’s climate due to the results of mankind and industrialized society. Not from its natural heating process. Of course the globe is warming by itself: We came out of an ice age 15,000 years ago and the earth is definitely still heating up from that… There is absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever as we can observe the melting glaciers and glaciers melt from warmth not cold.

The climate science classes taught now in Universities illustrates the science quite well, with lots of data and visualized trends: Disruption of the global polar vortex is and will continue to cause dramatic lowering of the average temperatures in parts of the USA while most of the rest of the world’s average temperatures will rise dramatically–with a net average of positive temperature rise when averaged globally. If you read the post about global cooling above, which was based upon the initial observation of falling temps IN the USA made before 1970, you will see highlighted the issues that arise when people who don’t understand the full story place their limited opinions as facts: The USA scientists (using their limited data points) initially “thought” there was global cooling based upon their analysis of the limited data set of US-specific data points but once the global data was analyzed (after countries opened up after long periods of closure from war and shared their climate data), a more astute opinion was formed by the scientific community which better reflects the global climate changes versus the USA-specific changes that were first observed.

I personally wouldn’t ask serious questions on a weed or politically based web-site as on those sorts of forums the incorrect opinions of non scientists usually slide by unmoderated for viability which usually results in obfuscation of the truth, ridiculing of valid observations, and divergence from any semblance of scientific rigor. I believe it would be better to read a definitive book on the subject or go to a climate website and dig into the climate data yourself than to poll the opinions of random people which tend to diverge greatly from the science behind the subject

To add to the conversation regarding low humidity, not extrapolating on the dehumidifier setup for onditions to the contra, I keep my exhaust fan “off” but controlled by a humidity sensor so that the exhaust ONLY turns on if my RH is too high. This way, the lack of exhaust allows the RH to rise to a higher level than with the exhaust fan always on. I do have a humidifier to add some humidity when necessary and that has managed my humidity levels perfectly. To manage the heat levels, separately, I have a piece of duct tubing that passes from one side of the tent to the other (through the tent’s exhaust vents) which has cutouts that fit over the LED’s ballasts so that I can turn on a connected fan and it will suck air across the ballasts without sucking out air from the tent and affecting the RH which I control separately as I explained above.
Here is a rudimentary drawing, made with my 6th grade drawing skills, showing a humidity controlling fan attached to an air filter for exhausting humidity as well as the pass-through ducting with cutouts over the ballasts to exhaust the ballast heat when necessary :v:


Yeah. Keeping RH and VPD where they belong is tough in winter. The tiny mist humidifier in my grow room is barely keeping RH at 50% this last week.
I’m gonna hang some wet towels down there today and try to get it back up to 60%

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Low humidity isn’t ever a problem for us in the UK, even when it’s freezing humidity doesn’t take the day off.

With lower humidity i could almost cut my bill in half, using a dehumidifier inside my tent i still have trouble getting under 60%

Surprisingly I’ve not seen rot in years with humidity as bad as it gets, i don’t think I’ve seen under 90% locally this year.


OMG those #'s in the image are so stressful :worried: .


that’s just where i draw the line. everybody draws them. yours may be different, and that’s cool. it’s none of my business why you choose what you choose and in order to keep the civility and respect i choose to refrain from discussing it. it is nice to know what one’s beliefs are in order to not offend in the first place, but as i said, everyone has lines. if you choose to participate in society, then abide by society’s rules, end of story. don’t like it, fine, you don’t have to participate, or rather, vote and change it legally or deal with it.

i don’t like a lot of things, but not a lot can be done about them. i don’t like that i can’t grow pot in my place but lots on here can. does that mean i want to impose my standards on them? no, it means i vote and try to change it. we got medicinal now, so if it federally de-schedules it should be easy, but i follow the process. the old me would be a guerilla grow, and in fact, under a different username on here, i was. the old me used to do a lot of things i don’t.

when it comes to me, it’s real easy. i respect all equally as humans upon meeting, virtually or in person. whether you get more or lose some depends on your actions, not what some folks say, or how you dress, or whatever. that doesn’t mean i ignore what folks say, just that i don’t let it influence my interaction. we’re all cousins.