PSA - With the cold of late watch out for low RH in your tent

I almost ran into issues with this.
Mid Atlantic grower near the coast with central air.
I am not used to single digits this time of year.
Due to holidays with the family I’ve not been around for a couple of days.
Checked the flower tent on whim tonight and saw that he RH in there was 35%.
…Weird b/c I gave the 5 gal dirt pots 1.25 gal of water 2 days ago.
Picked a couple up and they were damn near bone dry.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Worth noting: used plain water with nothing, as the feed from 2 days ago is still in there.


North East here and the furnace is humming. I have a humidifier going in the veg tent at the highest setting and it is having trouble keeping it over 45% and it can easily keep it 65 + when not this cold.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Agreed G-paS I would not have to worry if I was running a humidifier in the tent…
When are those damn AC Infinity ones coming on line!?!?! :rofl: :grinning: :rofl:
…No need to start an AC Infinity thread here…



Room RH really low, under 30% unless I use a humidifier. Not a problem as it helps with breathing too… Come summer time and it is the opposite…


I deal with the same issues in the Midwest, my RH has been about 15% for weeks, never any issues


Because they are keeping that one in their back pocket. One panic at a time to maximize fear and control over the masses.

When they need it, they will tell us all about how the ‘new world order of coldness’ dictates we stop using this or that, whatever suits their whims and pocket books.

One dude put it best. ‘It’s pretty arrogant to think we are going to ‘fix’ or control the earth. Mother Earth will shake us off like a bunch of fleas whenever she feels like it.’

Somewhat simplistic view, but a view nonetheless :footprints:


i prefer to think about it as branding. americans are too stupid to hear “global warming” and think of cold. if anyone disagrees, just go onto a thread anywhere there are a lot of conservatives and pose this question. the most common answer is “why is it so cold if global warming is real?”…


So am I un-American, or a genius? :grin:


I’m in Toronto :canada: where it’s currently -7. If you take a look here though climate change has it (right now) at -2 in Jacksonville, FL:

Lot’s of plants gonna die; and lots of lizards gonna damage cars…


Good looking out! When I take the dome off my seedlings even for a short time, they slump over. Put it back on and they perk back up. Humidity in the 20’s. The dome it is!


take your pick(sp). obviously you heard. i try to associate with folks who are smarter than myself. most people period are smart as hell, on an individual basis, but they turn more stupid the larger and more homogeneous the group. of course there are outliers, but this tends to hold true for most groups. not all, hopefully not this one, but most.

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George Carlin > Quotes > Quotable Quote


George Carlin

“The larger the group, the more toxic, the more of your beauty as an individual you have to surrender for the sake of group thought. And when you suspend your individual beauty you also give up a lot of your humanity. You will do things in the name of a group that you would never do on your own. Injuring, hurting, killing, drinking are all part of it, because you’ve lost your identity, because you now owe your allegiance to this thing that’s bigger than you are and that controls you.”

― George Carlin, Last Words


Ummm, yeah they do. Climate change encompasses both. Grow weed, not bullshit.


Ya, easy on the insults. Us Americans are just like the Dutch, the Sri lankens, and the Germans, we are all the same. And we must all bow to the alter of CC, or be labelled/branded.

Holland, Forget about farming traditionally, we got your back :wink:
Sri lanka, Don’t worry about the fertilizers, we got your back :wink:
Ahh, Germany, energy woes, ahh fagetaboudit, we got ur back :wink:

It is always GREY, so try not to throw stones :slight_smile:


Use the bullshit to grow your outdoor trees! :slight_smile:


This meme was brought to you by a European :joy:

That graphic poses a question, not a jab at anyone who believes in all the climate change narratives.
As for growing weed and not bullshit, We grow both down here. For now at least, until they figure out a way to euthanize all of our beef due to “their farts killing our planet”.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming. :sunglasses:

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I’m 100% doing the “towel draped on a shallow water dish on a seedling heat pad with a fan” thing rn.

And the “pot of orange peels and cinnamon sticks and cloves on the stove” thing too.

I got some ashy elbows


Ahh. a softer touch, nice. Glad to meet you sss, let’s keep it informative and cordial. Sometimes I wonder if all this instant communication is better or worse than what we had before.

Remember when face to face, or phone was all you had. It was find a way to be cordial, or swing it out, or hang up.

Peeps used to have time to sit around and ponder what has been said, and what they want to say next. Seems now slings and arrows from a keyboard are the norm.

Remember, humanity is all on the same team…and high tides lift all boats



Also it’s easy to forget to hydrate when it’s cold. Everybody go drink a big glass of water!