Finally had time and motivation to get these ladies in the ground.Besides any longer and I would’ve had to disassemble my shade house to fit the 1987 in. I watered them in with FF grow big Phd to 6.4
I used hose water to level the area a few times and kept using the phd FF water after.
Ended up needing another 6 cubic feet of soil to situate the ladies in the desired position. Have now spent >100$ in soil. I used biotone few times through the planting. Please excuse the mess another few days off and everything should be in tip top shape.
Had to tie her up to safely get her in position.
lil shape up
crate of 1 gallon clones 12/12 from root of both the 1987 and Freakshow
assortment of other plants
rattlesnake master, little lemon golden rod
^^ various sedum vv
Portulaca ,Lemon thyme,Variegated citronella geranium, Nasturtium seed, Waiting on a specific salvia and Cuphia.
If that twisted oak catches your eye in the background you can see it in more detail here
Plant this lady or topsy turvy her in in a 7 gallon ? What do you wanna see?
Thread leaf sundew breaking through the cranberries