Punch this. A new grow

Cool @MoBilly I’m getting ready in a few days. I did look at a clone Machine today to pricey.

Punch girls are looking good. Gold Leaf and White Widow.


One GSC and the rest WW

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The two small cups are seeds coming up. I seen little tails. I don’t like to put them in with long tails. To much contamination in my opinion. Especially on this hybrid strains. I have had problems with hybrids before. I’m very cautious. Until I get a working mother. Or clone off of a good plant. I like clones. Some good stuff. Netflix Documentary Argues that Cannabis can Save Lives image image image image image image


The cove was a very sad movie. Old stuff. ILGM image image image image image image image image image image image image Don’t miss the big lights. I do still have a 600w I’m thinking of using it.


image A lot of seeds. I have tons of seeds. I don’t have names. Their are some old school stuff in there. Seeds are good for one thing. Eating. Roast them up. Nuts make me sick. These don’t.


Your set for life with them seeds. You not actually eating the seeds are you.?


Yes. Those are bad genetics. I already have. I put them in cookies.

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I sorry. Just a bad night for me. I come here to grow weed. I’m sorry for my getting off topic. I love everyone. Every thing has a place in life. You disrupt the balance it changes everything.


transplanting this morning. The mixture is 2 tablespoons Big Bloom, 3 Alaskan fish fertilizer, 3 mL of b52 and 3 ml of Earth Juice cal mag. 1 1/2 gallon mix. I’ll hit them with some spay stuff. I’ll do 3ml to 32oz of filtered water. I feel like it keeps them nice and moist. Some thing I do is I do try to go around to different grow stores when I’m in the areas. I do ask for free samples there’s nothing wrong with that they make plenty enough money off of us.


I hope all is well with you my friend.


Thanks @MoBilly ill be ok


Haha I feel you. I woke up after bender the other day and was afraid to check my phone.
It’s all good man we all have been there.
Your plants look great btw👍


Thanks my big friend @LilJonB

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the punch girls are getting chunky. About ready to flip the 4 girls. I will be running the BP4000 on the girls. I’m at around 15 in from the top of the plants. Going to flush. @MoBilly I not sure. If I want to try clones off of a fem. plant. I’m not sure of that yet. I will clone off theWW, GL and I hope to get a full round off the GSC


Cloning a fem works just fine. My first three clones were from fems. I kept them in veg for a couple of months.

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@LilJonB he has been holding back. :stuck_out_tongue: . The clone king. I’m sure of it now. This ain’t no rodeo for Mo. He has been all the way around the farm.


What did you clone in?

I have one of the punch girls I’ll take on. All of them need a trim. I get carried away sometimes.

I like the adds. The old school pipe looks cool.

Ummm OK. Not at all. I just have the one experience. It worked out due to luck. :relaxed: But thanks :facepunch::wink:

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