Punch this. A new grow

I was just playing around.

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I know. So was I.:v::joy:

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I was worried for a minute.

You would have to go a long way out of your way to anger me bro. You’d almost have to be trying to make me mad.
Life is too short to be quick to anger. That’s a waste of time.


I see little wings.

The seeds are from Chitownseeds.com thanks again @Automatik . The seeds popped very fast. No hydrogen peroxide. To me that is a plus. I only let them soak for 24 hours they had already popped before that time. Like I said I don’t let my stuff get long tails. I really like for the seed to make it on its own. If I know a seed is good I will not pop it in water to soak. These I will be running next. I will also be running another ONI regular. Not sure yet what flavors. The punch girls are getting ready for the flip. I have some massive growth. I am not doing any trimming at all. They will go up naturally. I’m not sure exactly what lights I’m a run on it yet. I do like the burps because of the colors that makes them look like but I will be running two HLG 100r is I run the MH 192. That’s a nice combination.


fast way to transplanting. One gold leaf and ww I’m not liking. I’ll have to take extra precaution with these two clones were ruff., I may lose two of them



I think I’m going to pull those two. I’m not liking what I see. The one gl and ww. How I got the idea for my clone maker. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-4NnLNuYVk

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You are soooo killin it man! I’m impressed with your chops man!

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Thanks I appreciate it. @MoBilly

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dropped two last night.


one of these also. Starting popping all ready. Chitownseed.com

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image With these seeds. I’m seeing a side pop and and a bottom. Will see what there are in a few weeks.

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in the am they will be ready. The MMXX has a tail just about to swim.


This is straight tap-water. I did change some of it today. I’ll put them in cups tomorrow. I’m thinking of mixing my soil again.

image The punch girls just got flipped. I do have a golden leaf and white widow in the tent with them. I will be taking them out. I did put a gf and ww down. Wasn’t liking the looks of the plant. The roots where not as full as I wanted. The plant was to lose in the container. I don’t go for that. Root rot or something going on. The clones where a bit brown. The others are looking good. I do have some spots. I think it was from the spay I was using. I have treated all of the girls. Not mold or anything. I think it was water on the plants with the light to close. No air moving around like it should have. I did defoliate. One really tight. One natural. With a few leaves trimmed.


@Automatik thanks again.



Looking great Hemp. Doing a seed run on those WTH x TC ? That sounds yummy! I’ll be watching for it!

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