Punch this. A new grow

Nice looking girls!

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@DougDawson @CADMAN @Qtip @CADMAN @MoBilly @HappyGoLucky21 @Shaggy @Floyd @Gpaw @ReikoX and so many other’s. @Automatik . Thanks humans. One love. You know I hate for it to be like this. Love everyone @anon98660487 you to. Everyone enjoy the day or night. Love kids. And your partner. Peace Love some Bud also


Really cool bud, thanks. :v:


from @Automatik . @DougDawson its coming. I love you a a person. You have shared so much. The love that you move is incredible. Really blessed and scared at the same time. I am messing with my freedom. I do this for myself. I don’t want no trash stuff or dealing with people trying to take advantage of others. Pay for your time and that’s it. I give my stuff away.


Kinda sounded like he’s out, for a while…

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Maybe it sounds crazy ?

What’s crazy? :crazy_face: only you can decide what is crazy. Do whatever keep you FREE and loving life.

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Ok I’m high lol

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Few drinks. I Always wanted to dress up and do the cannabis cup all my life. I hope I didn’t sound too strong I’m easy

Man I don’t 420 with no one. It sucks. I enjoy that the most


I’m the same none of my friends smoke lol or my wife .
I smoke a shit load of weed lol. Sitting here watching lord of the rings cartoon the best version,my wife wants me to make her sausage rolls to bring to work,I’m to high to be baking mite burn myself


@anon98660487 your so funny. We need to do an Adam and eve contest. Grow the biggest leaves and cover your stuff. No I’m really joking but it is funny though

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@anon98660487 yea. Same here.

Hey @anon62804309 , you just be you friend and stay safe. You can come 420 with all your OG family.


You 420 with all of your OG fam now brother! :smiley::v::dash:

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I’ll 420 with you! Let me know a time and we can air toke together!


@Blueridge this is a little bit of my stuff right now.

Nice I think I have a pic of some of mine I’ll add it to this if so. And if you see anything let me know it may be available. Lol


I have more not on here I’ll get my list together this evening

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Oh dear my that a lot! That should be a fun time
Im sitting here with a couple bagged seeds i found lol.