Punch this. A new grow

The best cut I have was bag seed. Many clone only strains were from bagseed


I got some autos you can have.


I have 4 new girls. Two gold leaf and two white widow.


My 4 other girls.

punch cake


Was happy to get some new friends. These are all females. The 4 new ones are clones.

More WW, I’m definitely watching.


Glad to see you got everything. Thanks for your support. Have a great night.

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My girls are looking good. Going to pop some Girl Scout Cookies and and two more white widow on Monday.

the punch girls are getting ready for transplanting.


The towels are to draw moisture out.

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I get into more info as the weeks get longer along.

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The babies are gold leaf and white widow. The yellow tape is gold leaf. Not a big hitter but has a nice flavor. On this run I will be popping in some different stains. More than I have named. I never show a final run.


Nice plants bro


Morning. Hi @Floyd . Getting up or going to bed?

This is what I got going on today. I should have shown a true fkup. Lol.

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Transplanting two yesterday into 3gallon containers. Over watering. The towels will suck it out. Plus it starts the down draw of air flow imop. One was looking bad. I’m happy right now. The punch girls are funny. As in get nice and perky before watering. I think of watering every day. I’ll need to get the rh right at all times for that. The babies I see some yellow tops. I’ll give some p and k. Maybe a little cal mag. I don’t want to do to much until I get them in the happy frog. I have them in some bs stuff now. Want do it again. I’ll say that but when I need something I’ll use it. My room is showing a low rh right now. I’m not believing the numbers. So I’ll go bye my nose. Rh is low. I use the pump sprayer on them right now 3 or 4 times a day. With nevanna. B52 Nivanna and Fish stuff also calmag are my main go to for veg.


My old school light. Still love it. Some new stuff I’m trying. The fish stuff. Harris not sure yet. Has some nice numbers. The root stuff I know nothing about. This is my go to start.

I use syringes in the small bottles. Well all of them. Don’t make a mess. Fox Farm has a little hole at the top so put your finger over it when you shake it.


Good morning, getting up. My three cats and two dogs wont allow me to sleep past 4:00am. Especially the puppy. Oh well I’m used to getting up early.

Gracie four months old


Your plants look good by the way. :smiley:

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Very beautiful. Love my dog. She is amazing.


I’m trying to keep up with you. Lol. No truly I have learned a lot from you.