Punch this. A new grow

It was 420. I’m a true one of a kind. I doubt it. I do 3 things in the am. RestRoom, wake and bake. That’s 3 not in the right order. I’m not changing it. Love your tag. Your picture. I feel that way. I like to be that way all the time. Sativa or Indica that is the question. Joking around. Thanks @Floyd . One Love.


finished transplanting so far. I haven’t ran a check on my ppm yet. For me it to soon. My ph is at 6.3. The girls where feed today. Cal-mag, B52, Big Grow and Bloom. Cal-mag is full strength. 2.5 cc per gallon. Half on the other stuff. I will start a ppm check on the punch girls after my first flush.


My rh is way off. I just keep the humidifier on them. Keep hitting on them with my pump sprayer 2 to 3 times a day.

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No pest at the moment. I did have some flys at first. Dr. Earth final stop! Will stop them. It will fry them. Most of the stuff I get I try and get in the off season because of half or even cheaper prices. Dr. Earth I got for a few dollars. Now it full price. I have started making my own stuff. A little hot. I don’t show my mistakes much. But i will tell you about them. Will be adding 2 Girl Scout and 2 more White widow tomorrow. I’ll have a full house. I’m not doing any training at all for these girls. I want the punch girls around two foot tall or more before I’ll flip them. The others I’ll put in as they get ready. I’ll will be running some regular seeds after this run. I will talk about those more in the next coming weeks. I am looking into a new light. I did like the BP 4000. For the money not a bad deal. Still I got to say I love these HLG 100’s. For veg. I couldn’t ask for anything better.


Is she part Ridgeback? She’s beautiful Floyd.


No. Father was Caine Corso x American Bully. Mother was German Shepperd x Mastiff. She’s a sweet heart. Dad is 130 lbs. Mom about 80 lbs. She will probaly be the size of mom. Thanks @MoBilly


Big dogs. Crazy

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Yeah @anon62804309 , 130 lb is an impressive beast!
I love Bully, Shepherd and Mastiff, but I don’t know much about the Cana Corsa. It’s another Mastiff so, the size doesn’t surprise me.
Big dogs have a place in my heart. We keep livestock guardian dogs (Great Pyrenees X Anatolian Shepherd). There’s five of them watching over the place. They’re big dogs too.


Love the working dogs.


This guys name was Floyd ( mastiff x Lab ) he was 120 lbs. Passed in 2019

Sorry if I’m messing up your thread @anon62804309


No not at all my friends


Morning @LilJonB @Floyd

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My girls are looking fantastic. Got some nice height going on. Very nice stuff @Automatik . I’m very happy with what I see. The girls are almost ready for school. Lol.


So tonight I will neem oil them up. I make 1 1/2 gallons. I know it sounds like a lot. It works great in your house also. My mix is 2 to 4 tablespoons to 1 to 2 tablespoons of dawn. I mix soap and oil together in warm water. In 16 oz of water is good enough for the mix. Then 1 1/2 of water. I will be doing 2 tablespoons of neem oil to 1 tablespoons of dawn. You want to make sour you get under all the leaves. Hose the soil down. Your not water with the oil. Nice coat on top is good. Then I fan them down. To where they are dry. The half light until the morning. I know that lights what burn but. It does sometimes burn your leaves. Hot lights to hot. Will make you cry. The lights will cook them. I have had it happen before. Was able to recover the plants but was a total waist of time.

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Hello! Here is what’s going on. Just neemed oil all the girls one more. Not seeing any things wrong at the moment. I can’t 100% say I don’t see a few things but you don’t want to start jumping around adding a bunch of stuff that you don’t need especially if you just fed them. They do have some dark colors on the big girls I will be getting ready to do a flush I will run water for a few days after that. Then I will start back with the first round FoxFarm and Nutrients schedule. For the first week. I try to go back a bit. Just for the 0-0-0 the last two. Open Sesame. Will still go with the Alaskan Fish food and no big grow.


The clones has some but you know how clones are. Nothing I’m worried about.

I was going to go with some cookies and some more WW. I got a few bean I’m going to start. One MMXX sour snowX the whip also T-DuddDub From Twenty 20 seeds these are fems.


I’ve only attempted cloning once (the LA that’s in flower), but I only got three of five to live. Those look Worlds better than mine. :sunglasses:


I got those from someone. I do my own. Every plant I have grown where from a single plant. I clones on each of my run. @MoBilly ill show you how easy it is. Give me a few weeks these are not ready but I’ll get my home made kit. You can make one out of anything that holds water really easy. Start with some autos. That’s how you learn how to them. They grow so fast. Yes I have cloned auto well the other ones not regular ant auto but one the starts with a p. I think that’s why they were


As easy as ten bucks and some home containers.


I bought a tub, air pump and two air stones. Next week my cloning jell and rooting mixture should be here. I plan to try cloning some on my new grow.

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