Punch this. A new grow

Happy 4th. I did. My printer is out of ink. I’m seeing some lite green in my center leaves. Sure it’s nothing. I’m in the area of some grow shops I wanted to pick up some stuff.

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Peace @MoBilly

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I got to get me an environmental controller they’re kind of pricey

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I’ve been looking them up I don’t really see any that are real cheap

And to you and yours my friend.

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I just need something to cut my lights off when I gets too hot that’s my only problem but I’m worried the AC may cut out on me.

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Cut the lights off? I don’t understand. The light schedule has to remain in place. I must have misunderstood.

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I need an environmental control if my room temperature gets too hot I want to make sure my lights cut off


Ah, so your talking about shutting down one or two lights and leaving one on during peak heat times? You aren’t going to go lights out completely in the middle of the light cycle. I get it. Yeah, I guess that would bring down the temps some. That could help I guess. But keep some light going in there during lights on.

I see @MoBilly got you covered :slight_smile:

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Being so much a newbie I feel like I’m back in school waiting for the teacher to check for errors on my paper when I offer advice. I’ve already received a few appreciated red marks. LOL.
Thanks teach! You are a good friend to us all bro. I appreciate you Doug.


I don’t mind turning the lights back on I just want to make sure they turn off if it gets too hot

And I you brother. I will teach you and you will teach me, it’s perfect. Individually we are all lacking bit together we know everything.


I have the AC on different circuit I’m worried about the AC going out

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I keep an eye on them full time. But I don’t see it all the time.

That sounds confusing. Lol

A friend gave me a small ac unit a while back. I now have two ac’s in that room just in case one goes out. :slight_smile:


I’ll just need something to cut my lights off if it gets too hot

I got to run some new power supplies.