Punch this. A new grow

Hey bud, if you have AC why is it getting too hot? A couple questions, what lights are you using? Is the ac in your grow space such a s in a window? Are your plants I tents?


I have it on two separate power supplies I’m worried about the AC blowing the breaker

If the AC goes out and my lights are on temperatures can get over 120°

Got to feed the rabbit hole.

If your worried about kicking a breaker, I would suggest that you check the amperage of your breaker and check that against the units on that circuit. If your below that amperage, your good unless there is a short. In which case, what could you have done?
You might also go ahead and buy a brand new breaker for piece of mind.


I’m worried about the temperature the most. I’ll get it. I got the acc running on a power cord. I’ll be ok. I thought you guys might know of something cheap. I have already looked on making my own.


That is what I use and have found no better. I have an ac unit in the window of grow room hooked to the Inkbird. The sensor is in my large grow tent so when it hits temp in the tent the Inkbird kicks the ac on or off. I use the one that’s $15 more as it connects to wifi and will send me an alarm if system goes out of temp range.


That is what I use Doug. But I didn’t pop for the wifi. You’re right. I like it too.

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One day I forgot to turn the ac back on, I switched it off to collect pollen. Mid afternoon my.phone went off saying I hit max temp so I ran up and realized my mistake so it helped me out having the feature. That said the standard model does the exact same job without wifi. I cant say enough about Inkbird gear, it’s just affordable and works.


More than once I wished I had gotten the wifi. I have a different notification system now but i would have saved had I spent the $ right off.

Thanks brothers.

I was looking at that one also. Wasn’t sure if that would work.

I’m in the middle of getting the room finished I’m just gonna be temporary like this

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I am following your grow and learning from all, thanks and happy I had a Generac installed a few years back it takes over the whole house when we lose power

I agree. One love. 420 all day

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Thanks my friend. Jump in anytime.

Works like a charm for me. Will handle plenty of power and can hook to both ac and a heater. Simple to set up, cheap and effective. They have a different one that will work with humidity as well.

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Thanks @DougDawson i was looking at that one also. It will cut my light of it the room gets to hot. If I have them plugged into it.

Yes, there are 2 plugs, one for heater and one for ac. If you plugged light into the heater side it would cut power at temp you set and turn power back on when temp dropped to where you set it I would be concerned about messing with light schedule though.