Purple Kush what can you tell me about it?

I’m seeing the dip in humidity with the rise in those temps.I’m at high 74 now with the light cranked to 75 percent now as I go up the temp will go up too and drop that humidity a touch I hope.I think I’m going to be ditching the tent and building a room with some more built in air return and exit and line it with panda plastic mad make it where I can pop out my light and do periodic room spray and wipe downs too many places for spores to hide in these tents.I need to increase my air flow those hurricane fans don’t cut it.I have a Tower fan and two flip on hurricane fans.Going to add another floor fan and keep it blowing.

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Yah that is what usually happens. Consider one thing. I think it is harder to dial in a environment in a room vs. a tent. I have plenty of room but I have tents in them because for me they are easier to dial in the environment stuff. It all depends on the space and what you want to accomplish.

I have 6inch 368 CUPM fans that do a great job of exporting the air out and keep a neg pressure in the tent. There is no air flow issues in them. I actually had to get a humidity powerstrip that would cut on and off as I was exporting air too quickly out and got down to 28% RH one time. 38% the plant stop developing…

My DE-humidifier sets outside of my tents in my “Room”



All the little spots are gone and plant is in bulk mode right now did a tricome check and it’s almost all milk now about 10 percent clear here and there coming along nicely.I swear these thing swell more and more every day.Removed some more small suckers and the dampness around the larfyier bottoms is gone now they are turning into Little Rock nuggets everywhere.They reacted well to the revitalize will be misting again tomorrow and spraying and wiping down whole tent again.Checked from top to bottom no more new PM this stuff eats it up like the Cease did not a sign of so much as a burnt pistil.They got it too to bottom with a root drench.I want this shit like preggo



Will be amending some malted Two row to speed things up a bit

This is the outdoor purple kush I have had.


Those look tastey Yum.This one is purpling up so much it’s almost black mostly fans but the buds are very thick sticky and very greasy still a pretty plant though getting more of the reds magents

and carmels settling in the buds now


I have a wierd leaf formation on this one every couple of leaves put out these devil horn leaf spurs .Wierd


Not a single spot of PM in site(This stuff works better than the Cease dick punch incoming).Been checking gently and defoliating a couple leaves here and there each day.Plant has definitely gotten more tricomes since I’ve been spraying with the revitalize this thing is literally oozing resin glands everywhere and the grape smell sticks to you for hours if that’s a way it’s supposed to trigger a response in the plants immune system I can say that plus the smell has gone into a freak change from a grapey candy to a strong and earthy Barney purple Grape almost a meaty smell some where in there thick buds get for a sec then lose.My Skunks had a stronger smell like that in the same composition buds but those ones ended up with a stepped in hot dogsShit smell thank god this is a way grapey smell than that .I can see 5ft long stakes in the future buds are swelling and branches are swaying like fishing poles


Small Nuggets are turning into big nuggets and the growth spurt continues.This thing had to be restaked at the lower the main trunk is having to hold that main kola and all the side buds the weight is starting to stack on and it blows my mind I still have 70 more days to go.This thing is going to look like an apple stuck on a pencil.Drinking water like a fiend it’s drinking at least a whole gallon a day no nutes still and that last tea of Dr earth Bud and blossom Set definitely is holding.After I sprayed that thing it was like i pissed off the Incredible Hulk and she’s blowing out her pants not going to lie something about this stuff behaves like Axiom I can put my finger on it something about that immune trigger response telling you guys there’s something to this .This this puts so much weight on at warp speed

apple stuck on a pencil


Skimming through still PM free and been cleaning her up a little every day.It’s to the point it’s about 75percent bud to leaf ratio now.Buds are turning into Rock hard nuggets very dense thick down to the littlest ones which now have all plumped up into little Gorditas now.Main Kola is still filling out now morphing the lower buds into itself making a wonderful crescendo of singular Bud mass making that kola from the with of a beer can to a beer can with a thick coozie now going on to the size of a small coffee can soon enough.This thing is stacking tricomes everywhere and is some of the Gooiest sticky stuff I’ve seen in a long time.


My favorite Lower limb rocks a Devil’s braid.What a little chub


I am very very impressed.Plants have reacted well to malted 2 row top dress with EWC and some Protekt Silica and Organic Eggshell Calmag supplement Main kola is now the circumference of a soft ball and I have had to readjust the stake even the main stalk was starting to bend a bit it waves around like A bobble head doll it’s put on a lot of weight and all the bottom buds are now swelling up at the base of the trunk.Still no fade yet and running strong.All cloudy milk now no more clear not one amber to be found yet.The smell is a very strong clear grapey Funk with that earth that hangs in the tent when you first open it very meaty bud smell No PM anywhere will continue to manicure and monitor other than that business as usual


Right now this one is starting to show some signs of things and I don’t think this one is a 110 day it’s looking more like a 65 day variety maybe 70 as someone else suggested.Not seeing any clear and everything is setting into a cloudy to almost full milk.I’m going to guess this guys has about 2 weeks max till I see the numbers I want.The swell on these things is definitely noticeable now


Absolutely great run but I have some things that have to be put on warp speed and down she goes .Good news is some amber showed up to the party finally and it’s not as much as I’d like but I’ll take 5 percent and all milky anyway.After this a well Earned clean and rip down.The weight on this little bastard wow


Nice work! Looks like that cut is the business.


It’s kickass. What can you tell me “breeder info” eventually I’m going to have to pheno hunt a PHK. Great Grow Man!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

It came out looking like IG weed.This thing stinks so bad hanging upside down in the dark tent I can smell it’s aura it reminds me of what I seen in the 90s it has this Sweet Earthness in there reminds me of the old new age creations head shops like there is a touch of Nag champa or something with all that grapey funk not detecting any pine at all either .I have a feeling this is going to be some potent Shit.Was chewing on a stalk with a teeny teeny bud on it and my whole mouth went numb and burned a tiny bit like when you eat full melt candies like Cheba chews sometimes.


All I know is it was a cut that came out of Canada that is it.It’s runoff from some of the cuttings from the Rez near me.Was forwarded a cut as a friendly gesture.

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Beautiful cut. I would be sending out smoke signals to the Rez. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Smoke report on a sneak peak taste test before cure and all I can say is for being just dry enough to smoke the taste is out of this world can’t wait to see what it’s like in 2 weeks.Smoke is very potent gets you Stoned not high very long lasting at least a 3 hour experience with 2 well balanced Tokes.Feels like a warm blanket of ease was placed over your whole body giving it a warm hug.Very good smoke very smooth you could take power rips and not even a throat tickle I give it a solid 8/10.This was taken down a week early I could imagine what it was like if it was finished would leave you superglued to the couch for sure very good for pain I can’t even feel my shoulder and neck .