Pvogs 2023 Awesomesauce

Use red or cayenne pepper flakes if you are the least bit suseptible.

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He lives literally under my bedroom. His hole comes out practically on the garden. I think he was curious more than anything, they are natural disasters. When I had trash on the porch he made a total mess. Perhaps he thought these ‘little trash bags’ had some kind of a treat …


He’d be a hat after the first batch he ate.


Made me choke on my coffee with that one. :rofl:

After converting to the racoon into a suitable piece of headware, you are pretty much on schedule for the backup round. Thankfully it’s early enough the season isn’t ruined. Just hasn’t gone smoothly with the cold snaps and, now, wildlife.

Again, sorry about the loss man. That is incredibly disappointing and frustrating. But there’s still a couple weeks. :+1: :cowboy_hat_face:


Might try some liquid fence, works very well.

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Yes I’ve heard. I went and splurged for Actual Fence. Lol.

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Damn sorry to hear about your plants. Hope it wasn’t all of them. Definitely still time to get more seeds started and have a good year!

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I am saddened to hear of this attack. If i can help out, just let me know. I have a shitload of mature clones and seed plants. You are within striking distance. If you want some of what we are growing let me know. There will be no charge. I can do about 30 if you need.

There may even be a Blueberry diesel f2 lying around if you are quick on the draw;)


Wow, what a great person! I’m moving. Where you guys live? lol just kidding

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Great? Nah, just a weed dude looking to help another:)

Definitely not great. I can GRATE your nerves tho ;))))

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That sucks do you use bone or blood meal?
Most rodents and raccoons smell it and think there’s food buried in soil. I don’t usually use it outdoors in less I put it in the fall so it breaks down and smell dissipate.


did the blueberry diesel make it?


You haven’t been around the past few days,hope everything is alright!

Damn growmie at least you are ready with back up! Glad you bought the actual fence but you know how raccoons are I’d run electricity through the mfer then see how badly he wants to be a dick.


BBD landed.
I have got enough to make a decent run. You guys are the absolute best!
Will be updating soon, was able to start new germination just in time, and between the survivors and new gifting, I’m gonna make a run that makes OG proud. Because you’re all a part of this one.
Blessings upon you all.



Super Skunk, Lennon Skywalker, Wedding Cake, Bubble Gum, Banana Republic, LPC, Sour D, Bruce Banner, BBD, could make it. Some stragglers, my COPA got hit hard, but I’m germinating more…


The Lennon SkyWalker is a very hardy beast. First seedling went through multiple frosts and low 30’s.

Second one I have at another spot. Has a stalk and is just one of the I don’t give a fuck what happens plants. Praying for pistils.IMG_20230531_192114_HDR


Hopefully you have some better luck now. :crossed_fingers: :pray:

Also wishing for Lennon SkyWalker to be a girl for 'ya.

Make sure to tell the raccoon to F off before he gets made into a hat. Or maybe you’re already wearing him. Did you put up a fence?


I’m not so sure that a fence would stop a raccoon :slight_smile: lol just saying @FieldEffect


I don’t know anything about raccoons except they eat trash, tear up weed plants and make decent hats. :rofl:

Almost all of which I learned from this thread.