Quetta city strain

Even after this rule, more than 7 people have sent seeds in mail my way, i was waiting for the first one to get rid of the hesitation


Well we shall wait and see I suppose, good luck :crossed_fingers:t2:

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But its taking too long , like still if i reciev some today, i’ll send tomorrow, and they’ll reach you after god forbid how many days

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Okay tell me a thing, a simple envelope smallest one under one ounce, seeds in the the hose washer and then in coin flips, am i going right?

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Exactly. That’s it that’s all

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Man how easy it is for you guys and how scared i am, well its just the first time hesitation, i should send on priority mail

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You have nothing to worry about, I’ve sent and received from almost ALL over the world in the last couple of years, one lost envelope ever, out of hundreds.


You could have probably gotten seeds by now. But while you asked for a trade in public, you wanted money instead in PM. The background of the seeds was a mystery you would not speak about. You say you have never grown, started a grow thread with by now multiple strains of which only seeds in paper towel pictures exist and while you claim you have all these awesome strains you are asking for some autoflower now. Your IG handle seems to keep changing too. No offense but that is all pretty confusing.


I totally agree with you, just some more time, interestingly i haven’t recieved a single one, i know now i gotta authenticate myself if i wanna be a part of this community, thankyou for pointing out my wrong moves, the one’s i planted were burned by nutrient overdose probably, i added alot of nutrients in the beginning when only soil and water was required, also the temperature going above 38 'celcius probably ruined them, learning from mistakes, will rejoin that grow journal from where it was left soon

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Seems to have left the building. Whats REALLY interesting is that my friend and fellow Overgrow friend, @Shiv9545, had 8,000 Afghan seeds siezed by Pakistani customs just before this guy shows up here on OG… knowing nothing about weed. How many seeds did he have? Exactly half that number? Who got the other half?


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